Friday, January 27, 2017

All New All Different Avengers #11

Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Mahmud Asrar
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Jun 29, 2016

   Still trapped in the Negative Zone, Ms Marvel, Nova, and Spider-Man try to hatch a plan to escape Annihilus' prison - the only problem is that none of the other prisoners speak English. Not far from there, Iron Man and Captain ...Falcon America find themselves dragging a weakened and solar deprived Vision across the alien planet's surface while Thor goes toe-to-toe with Annihilus for what seems like hours. They discover his plan to build a weapon and destroy worlds (which is really such an old school kind of Avengers fight when you really think about it).
   Tired of waiting for Nova to get out of his funk, Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel create a diversion and the trio escapes their captors using powers that the enslavers haven't accounted for yet. Elsewhere, Thor continues fighting the giant insect in vain until Falcon and Iron Man arrive to help out. It leaps at Iron Man when he realizes Annihilus is wearing a nega-band, using it to open a portal into the Avengers universe. He tells the others to retrieve it at all costs, and after modifying Nova's helmet to absorb the planet's energy, puts it on Vision who is able to tear Annihilus's hand off with the band. They use it to open a portal and order all the prisoners in the Negative Zone back onto the enemy planet they originally found themselves on.
   After they arrive, Vision returns the helmet to Nova. They start working on a plan to return to eartth's surface when Falcon America makes a horrifying discovery. There's one Avenger not accounted for...Spider-Man lays at the feet of a handless Annihilus still in the Negative Zone. How will they return there to free him? We'll have to wait till the next issue to find out.
   The Avengers are a legendary, old school team and as such, it's only natural they'd face an old school villain every now and again. Seeing Annihilus after so long is a great change of pace. Good story akin to the classic Fantastic Fours and Silver Surfers of yesteryear. Looking forward to what happens next. I give it a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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