Friday, January 6, 2017

Daredevil #8

Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Goran Sudzuka
Cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli
Published Jun 8, 2016

   Matt Murdock, alter-ego of the man without fear, finds himself at a casino in Macau. It isn't often he gets to spend a little adventure time away from Hell's Kitchen, but when the opportunity presents itself, he'll obviously take it. As he sits around the table, he's able to study each of his opponents mannerisms in a way the average poker face doesn't give away. Heart rate, measured breathing, nervous mannerisms all play into his hand. He wins. big.
   Later, using the name Laurent Levasseur, he has a drink with Adhira, a new acquaintance, explaining he has to meet a friend later. There's one more game in the tournament, and since Daredevil knows he'll be facing a telepath who actually works for the casino to win their money back, his mind will have to be even stronger.
   They begin, and to drag out a few pages and really bring nothing to the issue, the art reflects Daredevil doing some kind of mind battle with Mr. Apex. Seeing as how he's blind, there's nothing for the telepath to see and Matt eventually defeats him. Later on, Adhira tries her luck with him again, but he explains he still has a friend to meet. As he laments he can't even cash in his earnings, he gets into costume, and steps out on the ledge. There, the person he is apparently supposed to meet is none other than the Amazing Spider-Man, and together, they're off on an adventure which is sadly left to be continued.
   Good little story but definitely a downer in a sea of hits. Every issue in a series has to have a downbeat and this is regrettably one of them. Still, seeing what Charles Soule did with the wind up for a new tale was impressive, and even void of much content, is still better than what some of these writers turn in. I give it an 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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