Friday, January 6, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy #9

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Valerio Schiti
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published Jun 8, 2016

   The badoon are preparing for the incoming Guardians of the Galaxy, and to say the warden of this prison planet is a little scared would certainly be an understatement. Once they arrive, his panic quickly turns into reality as Drax and Gamora begin tearing through the badoon defenses like butter. As the Guardians keep asking where the target they came to rescue is, everyone plays dumb, including Gamora who is ambushed and quickly taken prisoner herself. Things look bleak for the adopted daughter of Thanos.
   Once in their custody, Marud, a creepy torture doctor alien, explains he's there to get information out of her under any means necessary. Gamora asks where Angela is, and he tells her that she's in this very facility. He explains that she's part of a strategy to fill the power vacuum with the Kree and Skrull Empires having fallen. Just as he prepares to torture Gamora in order to coax Thanos out of hiding, she releases the black vortex, an elemental power she'd been holding onto in case of an emergency. It destroys much of the holding cell and she's reunited with Angela. 
   As Drax brings her her things, he explains that Quill has been taken prisoner and it's imperative they leave to find him. Angela agrees, and the three of them set out to first find Star Lord, and then destroy the badoon empire once and for all.
   This story is interesting the way it's being told. This latest arc is clearly something you're going to have to read again in order to figure out what's going on, but it's worth it. Art looks awesome and the story is well crafted. I give it an 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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