Monday, January 16, 2017

Civil War II #2

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by David Marquez
Cover by Marko Djurdjevic
Published Jun 15, 2016

   While the Inhuman Ulysses sleeps in New Attilan, a stealthed out Iron Man makes his move. He kidnaps him, however not after a fight between Medusa, Karnak, and many others. Effectively an act of war, the Ultimates are charged with trying to find a way to diffuse the situation. They take off for Stark Tower where the Inhumans are trying to keep one of their own from destroying the building. Captain Marvel buys time, telling Medusa that they will return the hostage to them. They just might need a little time to do so.
   Back at an unknown location, Tony interrogates Ulysses who explains to him that he doesn't know anything. Tony makes a copy of his brain before the wall is broken down by the Avengers and Ultimates. An argument breaks out between Carol and Tony... again before they're all interrupted by another one of Ulysses's visions. This time it's of the Hulk killing all of them. Just before the issue ends, Captain Marvel walks in on an unsuspecting Bruce Banner. He looks up from his experiments to welcome her, although her demeanor looks very much concerned. With that, the issue concludes and we have to wait until the next book to find out what happens.
   This series is turning out to be less climatic than I'd assumed. I expected something on the lines of Secret Wars - things that would be completely shocking. It just appears to me to be a dialogue-fest although it IS only the 2nd issue. I'm sure it will step up but for now, we're still waiting. I give it a 7 out of 10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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