Thursday, January 26, 2017

Extraordinary X-Men #11

Written by Jeff Lemire
Penciled by Humberto Ramos
Cover by Humberto Ramos
Published Jun 29, 2016

   The issue opens fresh off the heels of the previous one, with a swallowed Logan being manipulated by one of the four horsemen of apocalypse in this plain - Venom. Jean Gray dives into Logan's psyche to try and coax him out, but is unsuccessful. The rest of the X-Men continue fighting as Nightcrawler bamfs he and Storm away and Iceman fights an even more demonic version of Deadpool than the real one, if that was even possible.
   As the new mutants fight an energized horseman Colossus, a distressed Sapna in X-Haven writes a note to Illyana explaining the voices and nightmares in her head are a calling of sorts. She knows she's sick and she leaves, planning to come back once she's cured. Storm and Nightcrawler fights the horseman version of Moon Knight, defeating him and rising to meet the original profit of doom himself, a shriveled and weakened Apocalypse. He sits on a throne and tells them that his actual body is the Omega World these X-Men currently find themselves in. To destroy him means their deaths. He tells her he destroyed the embryos they seek and he intends to wipe out mutantkind, which is pretty much what he always says. This diatribe is interrupted by Nightcrawler, who bamfs his arm through the chest of Apocalypse. As he falls dead, the world they're in begins to crumble. Kurt asks what he's done and Storm tells him that he's doomed them all. With that, the story ends... to be concluded in the next issue.
   Certainly a better class of X-Men than any of the other books, this is a great tale and reminds me of the good old Chris Claremont days. All the elements are there - from story telling and art, to plot twists and cliffhangers. As this book takes it's place as the flagship X-Title, it doesn't disappoint. I give it a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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