Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Spider-Man #5

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Sara Pichelli
Cover by Sara Pichelli
Published Jun 29, 2016

   Former X-Man Fabio Medina aka Goldballs is looking for a roommate, and asks Miles' best buddy Ganke if it's cool. He says it is and the two have a long conversation about how wrong it was for Ganke to give up Miles secret - that he's actually Spider-Man. The two of them see a video that a superfan made on YouTube of Spider-Man being captured. They freak out a little while until Ganke's phone rings. It's Miles' mom informing them that Miles isn't answering his phone. Ganke lies and buys them some time but it's clear that it isn't going to get them too far.
   From there we see Ms. Morales having an argument with her mother, Miles' grandma. She's convinced he's on drugs or up to some kind of trouble, so she threatens to hire a private investigator. Back at Hammerhead's lair, the Black Cat checks for Miles' fingerprints but they get no hits. Suddenly Miles uses his super-secret power, where he can harness energy and make explosions (which I didn't know he could do either). He evades capture from Hammerhead and tracks down the Black Cat. They have a conversation where the new Spider-Man of New York flexes his muscles and tries to arrest her. But in the end, she explains she's the Black Cat and he's a little too new at this. He bags up the Hammerhead's crew and drops them off at the police station.
   Miles' dad speaks with Maria Hill about getting him SHIELD protection, and he's apparently welcome back to return to the agency as we find out he's apparently a former field agent. Later we see Miles, Ganke, and Fabio having a conversation near the dorms about keeping superhero secrets. Ganke swears he'll never endanger his best friend's secret identity again, but it looks like there's gonna be some more trouble at home soon as Jessica Jones' camera snaps away... and with that we're left to be continued.
   I wish this book was published a little more often. I know it's kind of a filler book and probably the bottom of the Bendis barrel, but it's still really damn good. Loved the banter between Black Cat and I'm looking forward to where it goes in the future. I give it a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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