Monday, January 16, 2017

Deadpool #14

Written by Gerry Duggan 
Penciled by Mike Hawthorne
Cover by Rafael Albuquerque
Published Jun 15, 2016

Deadpool wakes up in the arms of Shiklah underground. After pretty much putting him through the honeydo ringer, he finally persuades her to go topside. She assembles her crew of monsters and they hit the streets, immediately finding the mercs on the verge of the the fight of what turns out to be the initial pages of Civil War #1.
   Throughout the next few pages, the mercs pretty much save as many people trapped during the Avengers/Inhumans/X-Men's battle with the gigantic being attacking the city. Afterwards when the big Stark Tower party invite doesn't appear to extend to the rest of Deadpool's team, he leaves them hanging and they're pretty mad about it. They consider going solo while Deadpool chats it up at the party with the Inhuman Ulysses. While they go back and forth, the scene cuts to J. Jonah Jameson flying the Daily Bugle chopper with a live feed, talking about the heroic efforts of Deadpool "and his hirelings".
   This is too much for the mercs, who start their own business - the Mercs for Money. Looking for startup capital, they just happen to run into Cable, who explains to them that the way he gets his money is to just go back in time constantly and deposit it. The interest alone makes him millions. The mercs have so,e questions for him but before they can ask them, this issue is to be continued.
   Good issue. After last issue's story from the future, it was good for the mercs to get back in this book. Plus with Cable you can never really go wrong. I give it an 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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