Wednesday, January 18, 2017

All New Inhumans #8

Written by James Asmus
Penciled by Stefano Caselli
Cover by Jamal Campbell
Published Jun 15, 2016

   Gorgon explains to Swain he and the crew plan on staying a few extra days at Utolan, the hidden city of Flint's birth. They ply him with native girls and the hot springs while Flint and his mother catch up on old times. Ana Kravinoff, whom Flint's sister Ikelli is pretty much trying to murder, comes out of hiding to try and get Flint to back his people off. He later bonds with his mother after a meal, and learns that his father kidnapped him and fled the city, leaving his mother and sister behind and was later killed on a trip back from America.
   Ana sneaks into the great chamber and triggers an alarm. After incapacitating the guards, she explains to them that she wants to know more about the city's genetic engineering program. Back at Irellis' quarters, Ikelli shows up and argues, asking what it is Ana is looking for and clearly jealous she's never been cooked such a meal as her newly found brother received.
   The issue wraps with Gorgon being assisted into his bed by an orderly. Vishann comes in with a message from Gorgon's ship that the terrigen cloud has begun a westward shift. After delivering this message, she pretty much tries to rape him explaining she wants him to father her child. He resists and his wheelchair thing pops to life, sabotaged and trying to kill her. He explains that he isn't in control, right before the saboteur runs in and accuses him of attempted murder. The charges are read to him and with that, the issue is to be continued.
   I like how this one book doesn't seem to have Civil War involvement. I'm liking that storyline but it's cool to be able to let other ones play out as well. This is a nice arc and is getting pretty good. I give it an 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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