Friday, September 29, 2017

Uncanny Avengers #27


Written by Jim Zub
Penciled by Sean Izaakse
Cover by RB Silva
Published Sep 13, 2017

   The issue begins with a cabbie pulling up to pick up a fare at the airport. Who this "super hero" lawyer might be will have to wait, as the former Unity Squad is in the midst of battle with Gravitron. The immediate order of business is Scarlet Witch, who floats in space after being previously thrown into it. The team threatens revenge while Dr. Voodoo casts a spell on her to give her air.
Dr. Voodoo is still like the coolest 70's Funk Band name ever.

   Meanwhile Synapse strikes, sending the villain crashing into a building and being beaten by Wanda's brother Quicksilver. Gravitron repels him backwards and turns to see the remainder of the team ready to attack. Human Torch goes first, and is quickly knocked aside as well as Wasp. Next up, Rogue readies for him but he uses magic to increase her gravity. She is slowly being crushed into the ground and he's distracted, as Scarlet Witch hits him while Rogue sneaks in for a kiss. She absorbs his powers and is instantly infected with his madness. She tries to fight it, much to the cheerleading of her teammates. She realizes life is insignificant while the others convince her otherwise... 
Rogue's wasted...

   Eventually she powers through it. Defeating their enemy, he lays at their feet while they ready a jail cell for him somewhere and Wanda flirts again with Jericho, thanking him again for saving her. Suddenly a cab pulls up. The man from the beginning of the issue walks towards them. He's an attorney and he's here to discuss the legacy of the Fantastic Four. What that entails though will have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.
   According to Comichron, this series is sitting pretty solid in 90th place when it comes to comic book sales. Unfortunately it suffers from the sins of previous Avenger-oversaturation, and now has to deal with it. I've heard around the way that this book is headed for merger with Avengers which to be honest is where it should be. There's some super redeeming qualities of this team but they'd be better suited with their original Avenger counterparts. As far as this issue goes, I give it a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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