Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Astonishing X-Men #3


Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Ed McGuinness
Cover by Ed McGuinness
Published Sept 6, 2017

   After stepping through the Shadow King's door, Logan painstakingly climbs an ice mountain. All the while replaying the murders he's committed in his other timeline, he slips only to catch hold again. The X-Men want him to be Wolverine but that's all behind him. 
I thought he was supposed to be an old man...

   Meanwhile in London, the metropolitan police orders the team to surrender. Only problem is that Psylocke works to keep the connection to the X-Men on the astral plane. Bishop and Angel discuss ways to reason with them when Angel flies out to have a chat with the helicopter pilot.
   Back in another world, Logan squares off with the Samurai before walking through them. He knows Farouk's tricks. At the chessboard, the Shadow King is almost impressed. Professor X explains that his weapons are his will. He wants to win but he NEEDS to suffer. Logan continues to walk, even going past Charles who knocks him back. He wants to speak with him, but Logan is certain it's just another trick.
This art reminds me of that old school Frank Miller stuff.

   In our world, the troops in the helicopter attempt to subdue Warren, but accidentally hurt him in the process, nearly triggering the Archangel. He overcomes it and offers himself as a hostage to explain what his teammate is doing. Back on the Astral Plane, Logan keeps walking and ignoring Charles' pleas to stop. The other X-Men are falling victim to Farouk's illusions. Logan is different. Charles explains that he's tricking Farouk into not being able to see their conversation, If he must, he will battle his old mutant student.

   They fight. Charles can't reach him. The illusion and supposed loss of Logan withers Charles' hand and the Shadow King claims the round. The issue wraps back in London. Angel's request has been granted. The X-Men talk with the London police but not for long. Logan stabs the police through the back with black, shadow eyes. The stakes have just gotten substantially higher, however we're left to be continued.
Dang that smarts...

   Now that we live in the post-Wolverine Old Man Logan era, anytime a writer has a chance to cameo him in his old costume, they take it. That's strange to me. While the character is awesome in that post apocalyptic way, it's obvious that the audience clamors for one of the most legendary comic book characters of all time. How long can they keep him out of the costume? Either way, this was an awesome issue, not only highlighting how much we miss Wolverine but how much we miss Professor X as well. I'd love for this to be the beginning of both of their returns. Guess there's only one way to find out. I give this one a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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