Sunday, September 17, 2017

Star Wars #35


Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Salvador Larocca
Cover by Mike Mayhew
Published Aug 30 2017

   After rescuing the princess and being roped into the rebellion, Han Solo can't believe he's still around. But this time, Mon Mothma has just the mission for him. A smuggling mission. Only problem is the cargo... Grakkus the Hutt. He could be a valuable asset. All he needs to do is get him to the secret holding facility in Akiva. And the sooner they could end this war, the better.

   And so, Chewie and Han Solo ride with their Hutt cargo. The trio has some choice words with each other, mainly the Wookie threatening to tear the Hutt's limbs off. He keeps talking when suddenly they're intercepted by tie fighters.. They plan an escape when Grakkus "accidentally" disables their hyperdrive. While they argue, the fighters fire on the Millennium Falcon.
Pew. Pew...

   Grakkus keeps blabbing, telling Han he's blinded by the adulation and is blind to missing the smuggling life. He can give Solo all that back and more if he just lets him go. As their surrounded, he surrenders. Though he isn't giving up - he IS giving up Grakkus the Hutt.
   The troops board the ship and the Hutt eventually gains control of them, smashing one of their skulls. Before they can make another move, Han and Chewie blast them as well. Finally with the immediate threat neutralized, the Grakkus again asks about his proposal. Han again refuses, and this time the massive beast is a little more angry about it. He demands Chewie bring them to Teth, a planet where he's primed to again return to power. Han tells him that's enough and barks out a code.
Level Three? So that's just like the introductory level..?

   Grakkus is shocked as Han asks if General Draven got it all. It was all a ruse to get him to reveal the location. Before they even left the rebel fleet, the Hutt's guards slipped a shocker device in his leg restraints. Han knew that even with interrogation, he'd never give up the information. But they all have one little weakness... Arrogance. With Grakkus laying on the floor out cold, the Falcon sets a course for Akiva.
   The issue wraps with a platoon about to storm a chamber in a star cruiser. A dangerous droid waits on the other side of the door. They make plans to kill him and we see R2D2 speeding away. With that, this issue is left to be continued.

   It's been a while since this book focused back on the man, the myth, the legend Han Solo. Sure you could focus on the book actually starring him but I don't really have time to spend on too many Star Wars books. This was a good issue. Han Solo did indeed eventually wear his role with the rebels with a little higher regard and it's cool to spotlight that. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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