Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Justice League #28


Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Fernando Pasarin
Cover by Bryan Hitch
Published Sep 6 2017

   At the Kent Farm, Hunter enjoys a reunion he truly thought he'd never see again. Being from the future, Jon was like his big brother. As he brings up Damien Wayne, Clark changes the subject and the boy takes their guest to show him his old room. Afterwards Lois tells Clark that the kids might be right where they need to be. Here. Now. With the Justice League.
What if, Clark?!

   Meanwhile in Amnesty Bay, Eldora swims with Mera. She asks about her and Hunter and her future daughter gets emotional, reuniting with her mother. at the Foundry, Cyborg's father Silas is amazed by the technology in Cube's body. Grandson and grandfather are formerly introduced, and Cyborg shars a moment connecting with his son. Back in Central City, Flash and Jessica enjoy the company of their apparent future children. Cruise eventually passes out while the Lantern twins glow blue. As weird as it all is, the two League members only know that these kids need their help.
Can somebody get this chick off me?

   In Midway City, Simon meets with members of the Army to discuss the quarantine of one of the army's units. At least I think so. To be honest... I don't really know what's going on with that part except Baz can kind of hear someone talking. Back at the Kent Farm, Clark has a moment with Hunter. It's strange being back. He remembers every sound... every smell. Hunter rages out at Wonder Woman abandoning him again, the very notion striking Superman as odd. Finally he asks - After the darkness, what happens to Jon and Lois? Hunter tells him the bad news. They all died in battle. Clark tells him we'll stop this somehow. Hunter asks him how... He tells him it feels so good to be back but seems pretty hopeless.
Everything sucks, Clark!

   The issue wraps at the Watchtower. Wonder Woman reviews footage from the Kindred with Genie, who in reality is future scary cyborg Aquaman but she doesn't know that yet. The Kindred said they have a part to play in what's coming. She asks to see the Fear creature. All of it being connected. What if the war is with her. Just then, Cube calls Hunter. He heard everything and saw everything Wonder Woman saw. They decide the only way to avoid war is that they're gonna have to kill her. And with that, we're left to be continued. 
   So here's the 28th issue of this series and they're still putting in the work to connect nearly every arc that came before it to where they are right now. That takes some dedication. Normally they lose me but Bryan Hitch is masterful at it. I've lamented about when a comic goes in a lot of directions but this one is perfect. I wish a lot of books I read would attack plot points with as much accuracy as this one does. Great issue. I give it a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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