Thursday, September 21, 2017

Spider-Man #20

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Nico Leon
Cover by Patrick Brown
Published Sep 6 2017

   High above the streets of Tokyo, Spider Man Miles Morales lands on top of a building and opens a briefcase waiting for him. Inside is a suit and a weapon which he promptly smashes. He later knocks on a door and gives the password, walking into a formal black tie party. He gets a text from Lana which immediately implicates Ganke revealing his location, when Tomoe the gangster walks up for an introduction.
Hi. I'm Tomoe.

   Two weeks prior, Miles and Ganke have a discussion. He needs a switch. Ganke tells him it's not a bad idea. Miles decides to take the $487 he's saved, hop on a plane (literally), hop on a train (literally) and finds himself on the streets of Tokyo. With Ganke constantly texting him, he sees some goons wearing Green Goblin masks assaulting a schoolgirl. When he tells them to stop, they take exception, hitting him with a baseball bat before he grabs and smashes it. He kicks one of them in the air before finally losing his balance. One of the goons puts a gun to his head. A woman steps out of a limousine and rips the gun from his hand, later popping a bullet into her mouth and spitting it through the henchman's knee. Her assistant tells him to meet up later for more information and they disperse. 
Super Nuclear Loogie.

     Later Miles walks when he gets a text from an untraceable source. It reveals the location of a metal case with everything he'll need. Apologizing for dragging him into this, he's intrigued. What kind of a mess has he gotten himself into? We'll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.
Did you have any plans?!

   A Bendis book that gets right to the point and is a quick read? I'll take it. There's something to be said about comics that don't get bogged down with plot twists and immediately run in thousands of directions. Say what you will about solo titles in lieu of their superhero team adversaries but these are great. Sometimes you gotta go with Hulk or Thor books over the Avengers. A Wolverine or Jean Gray book is always gonna be a faster read than keeping up with 15 X-titles. This was a good one. I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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