Friday, September 29, 2017

Amazing Spider-Man #32


Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Greg Smallwood
Boring Cover by of course Alex Ross
Published Sep 13 2017

   Norman Osborne works furiously to stop the nanites Spider-Man injected him with to stop the Goblin. He's unsuccessful and desperate. He seeks a variety of experts to help him, finally being pointed in a rather unconventional direction. He sets out to seek and eventually finds the Temple With No Name.
Sorry I'm late... this address wasn't on the GPS.

   Once arriving, he speaks with his new masters in training. The monks have him begin by placing his hand on the Oracle of Ikkon, a tool that reveals his true potential. They're amazed, and set out on his extensive training immediately. He eventually is informed that every man has a spirit guide... a totem. He trains harder and harder and is eventually see it. A Tiger. He begins his final test to accept his destiny but he instead rejects it, and puts on the Goblin mask. There he chooses what demons to face himself, and summons Spider-Man, obviously surprising him. 

More party tricks.

   Osborne attacks, and the monks inform Spider-Man that the Goblin has been trained in magic. He evokes a spell that paralyzes the webcrawler, later hitting him with another and knocking him to the floor. He later defies his masters, continuing to strike at his defeated enemy and later rising to fight the monks. He grows in size and suddenly finds himself back at the beginning. He's touching the very first oracle and he has failed and all of it was an illusion.
Wait - did you dudes put something in my drink?!

   The issue wraps with the monks telling him that others must be warned. Magic is not for the likes of Norman Osborne. He could have been... could have been... No! HE IS! He can be the Green Goblin again... and he will be. With that this issue is concluded.
   Obviously the Green Goblin will be back one day, but it's cool that Dan Slott lets us check in with one of our favorite villains. This was about as classic as an issue of Spider-Man can get. Fitting that the next issue returns the series to it's original numbering - Issue #789. It's something I've waited for and can't wait to see where they take it. For this one, I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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