Monday, September 11, 2017

Deadpool #35


Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Mike Hawthorne
Cover by David Lopez
Published August 30, 2017

   Captain America drops some Wu-Tang and Ice Cube lyrics in front of a class full of children before warning them all to leave the war hero Deadpool's daughter Ellie Preston alone. Walking out, former SHIELD director Maria Hill puts a bullet in him. Only problem is that it turns out to be Wade wearing a disguise. 
Heeeeey! It's just me!

She shoots him again for Preston, for Coulson and any other SHIELD agents he murdered. He accuses her of starting the Secret Empire because of Pleasant Hill. After a wayward grenade destroy's the principal's car, she takes off running and escapes into a parking garage.
   Deadpool tracks her down and she runs him over with a van filled with explosives.
This one panel could actually be the entire plot of one of Becky Cloonan's Punisher books.

 Finally after pinning him under it, she agrees to have a conversation. He knows where Blackout is. She asks if it's true he killed Preston and Coulson. His silence condemns him, and she leaves to move on the Blackout lead leaving him pinned behind. She triggers the bomb and the parking garage explodes behind her.
Maria Hill: Gangsta!

   Later, firetrucks arrive on the scene and douse the bombsite with water. As they talk it being solely a recovery, Deadpool is emotionally torn. The only one he wanted to protect was Ellie, and she eventually leaves the locked apartment that now is out of the supplies he'd left for her. Meanwhile the dome over Manhattan has fallen. Secret Empire is over. Deadpool flashes back to one of the greatest things that ever happened to him. With Coulson and Preston at his side, he took up the mantle. He was a real live Avenger...
   The issue wraps with Wade drowning his sorrows at a bar. Hearing Captain America welcome him to the team was one of the highlights of his life. Now he picks up the pieces. What will come next? We'll have to wait as this issue is concluded.
I'd probably be boozing it pretty hard too...

   It was only a matter of time for Deadpool to return to his villainous ways. To be honest, it never really felt right making him an Avenger in the first place. Still, it's a sad way to end his stint with Earth's mightiest heroes. Murdering his friends under the tutelage of the man he worshiped. He deserves his revenge. I'm sure he'll get it one day. For this one, I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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