Tuesday, September 12, 2017

X-Men Blue #10


Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Giovanni Valletta
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published August 30, 2017

   A troubled Hank meets with former Raksha soothsayer Gazing Nightshade in Madripoor about his self doubt. She tells him the guilt he feels is because of the secrets he keeps from his friends. He eventually rises to leave and is confronted in the alley. His newest cohort, the Goblin Queen, reminds him he has a lot more training to do.
I could get past everything but the horns. They're a little much...

   Back home, young Bobby trains for quite a while with resident X-baby sitter, Danger. His skills have grown but his lovelife still manages to keep him off his game. Elsewhere in the mansion, Magneto meets with his daughter Polaris with a challenge for him. He needs someone to council him in case he goes out of control, a challenge his daughter eagerly accepts. 
Everybody knows Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, so Polaris has a right to have some Daddy issues...

   Outside in the gardens, young Scott and Jean continue to explore their new mindlink, a new talent which obviously causes some anxiety between a few teenagers. While several states away, Angel and Jimmy Hudson embark on a trip back to Colorado. Fortunately the sheriff from when he made his re-emergence knows which direction to point him in.
   Beast and the Goblin Queen continue sticking their talents where they don't belong, eventually turning Hank into a true beast. Lightning fills the mansion, sending the X-Men running after the source. Out in the gardens, Scott and Jean deal with jealousy before they draw close. It's interrupted though as a demonic monster protrudes from the nearby mansion's roof.
It's... happening.... Oh wait. What dis?!

   The issue ends with them rushing inside. Scott blames Hank and his magic when there she stands. Madeline Pryor assembles her demon version of the X-Men, cleverly calling them the "Hex-Men" and Cyclops and Marvel Girl try to reach their knocked out teammates. They look to have a battle on their hands but it'll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.
The "Hex-Men". Another X book coming soon to Marvel Comics.

   With another battle with the Goblin Queen imminent, Cullen Bunn continues to rehash old enemies for new versions of the old X-Men, and you know what? I'm not even mad. With the soon return to many of Marvel's Legacy era superheroes, now is as good a time as any to do it. Updating original battles in lieu of merely creating more and more newer characters makes the series exciting. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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