Friday, September 29, 2017

Uncanny Avengers #27


Written by Jim Zub
Penciled by Sean Izaakse
Cover by RB Silva
Published Sep 13, 2017

   The issue begins with a cabbie pulling up to pick up a fare at the airport. Who this "super hero" lawyer might be will have to wait, as the former Unity Squad is in the midst of battle with Gravitron. The immediate order of business is Scarlet Witch, who floats in space after being previously thrown into it. The team threatens revenge while Dr. Voodoo casts a spell on her to give her air.
Dr. Voodoo is still like the coolest 70's Funk Band name ever.

   Meanwhile Synapse strikes, sending the villain crashing into a building and being beaten by Wanda's brother Quicksilver. Gravitron repels him backwards and turns to see the remainder of the team ready to attack. Human Torch goes first, and is quickly knocked aside as well as Wasp. Next up, Rogue readies for him but he uses magic to increase her gravity. She is slowly being crushed into the ground and he's distracted, as Scarlet Witch hits him while Rogue sneaks in for a kiss. She absorbs his powers and is instantly infected with his madness. She tries to fight it, much to the cheerleading of her teammates. She realizes life is insignificant while the others convince her otherwise... 
Rogue's wasted...

   Eventually she powers through it. Defeating their enemy, he lays at their feet while they ready a jail cell for him somewhere and Wanda flirts again with Jericho, thanking him again for saving her. Suddenly a cab pulls up. The man from the beginning of the issue walks towards them. He's an attorney and he's here to discuss the legacy of the Fantastic Four. What that entails though will have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.
   According to Comichron, this series is sitting pretty solid in 90th place when it comes to comic book sales. Unfortunately it suffers from the sins of previous Avenger-oversaturation, and now has to deal with it. I've heard around the way that this book is headed for merger with Avengers which to be honest is where it should be. There's some super redeeming qualities of this team but they'd be better suited with their original Avenger counterparts. As far as this issue goes, I give it a 7/10.

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Old Man Logan #28


Written by Ed Brisson
Penciled by Mike Deodato Jr
Cover by Mike Deodato Jr
Published Sep 13 2017

   Old Man Hawkeye hears Logan's pig poacher sneak in. They tell her to hold it and there stands a Hulk child. Logan explains to her that he needs the pigs. It's how he pays her daddy for rent. She tells him she doesn't care about him so Logan tries something. He tells her she can have one last one. Hawkeye tells him he's gone soft. One day, he'll regret it.
Whatever... man.

   In today's timeline, Jozelle staggers back to the camp. She tells the Maestro that Logan got loose and tortured one of them, learning everything. He tells them all that it's time to leave and one of his sons tells him they're done running. The old man asks if he thinks he can do a better job and the boy punches his father to the ground. The man gets up and beats the other hulk to death. With bloodied fists, he tells them they're not running. They're being smart.
Lemme gore this up a bit...

   Back at the hotel, Logan and young Hawkeye walk to the car when Hawkeye asks if he can come along. Logan eventually relents but tells him to keep the chit chat to a minimum. Eventually curiosity gets the better of him, and he asks the X-Man about his future. Logan tells him point blank he gets cataracts, runs drugs for a living and marries Spider-Man's daughter and pretty much leaves it at that.
So what you're saying is that I become awesome.

   Meanwhile the Hulk gang pulls over to sightsee. The old man calls for one of his young children to take a gander before battle. He then begins strapping bombs to the larger hulk's backs. Hot on their trail, Logan pulls into their previous spot. He sees the missiles scattered across with ground, but the nuclear cores are gone. Wondering where they've disappeared to, someone speaks up.
   Cambria - the female hulk who'd previously grown a conscience and been ostracized from the group, stands before them. They've met before. He once helped her when he didn't have to. She offers to help find them, but she asks that they do all they can to help protect the children beause time is running out. We see the missile equipped Hulks talking to the air and with that, we're left to be continued.
Word to your moms, we came to drop Hulk bombs.

   This series dipped a little bit to me since the very first creative team launched it, but it's working it's way back to the top of my list. Ed Brisson does a fantastic job meandering between the Wastelands world that Jeff Lemire left him and the Old Man Logan of today. The artwork is good too. Maybe not Andrea Sorrentino good but certainly complimentary of the story-telling. I give this one a 9/10.

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Amazing Spider-Man #32


Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Greg Smallwood
Boring Cover by of course Alex Ross
Published Sep 13 2017

   Norman Osborne works furiously to stop the nanites Spider-Man injected him with to stop the Goblin. He's unsuccessful and desperate. He seeks a variety of experts to help him, finally being pointed in a rather unconventional direction. He sets out to seek and eventually finds the Temple With No Name.
Sorry I'm late... this address wasn't on the GPS.

   Once arriving, he speaks with his new masters in training. The monks have him begin by placing his hand on the Oracle of Ikkon, a tool that reveals his true potential. They're amazed, and set out on his extensive training immediately. He eventually is informed that every man has a spirit guide... a totem. He trains harder and harder and is eventually see it. A Tiger. He begins his final test to accept his destiny but he instead rejects it, and puts on the Goblin mask. There he chooses what demons to face himself, and summons Spider-Man, obviously surprising him. 

More party tricks.

   Osborne attacks, and the monks inform Spider-Man that the Goblin has been trained in magic. He evokes a spell that paralyzes the webcrawler, later hitting him with another and knocking him to the floor. He later defies his masters, continuing to strike at his defeated enemy and later rising to fight the monks. He grows in size and suddenly finds himself back at the beginning. He's touching the very first oracle and he has failed and all of it was an illusion.
Wait - did you dudes put something in my drink?!

   The issue wraps with the monks telling him that others must be warned. Magic is not for the likes of Norman Osborne. He could have been... could have been... No! HE IS! He can be the Green Goblin again... and he will be. With that this issue is concluded.
   Obviously the Green Goblin will be back one day, but it's cool that Dan Slott lets us check in with one of our favorite villains. This was about as classic as an issue of Spider-Man can get. Fitting that the next issue returns the series to it's original numbering - Issue #789. It's something I've waited for and can't wait to see where they take it. For this one, I give it a 9/10.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Walking Dead #171


Written by Robert Kirkman
Penciled by Charlie Adlard
Cover by Charlie Adlard
Published Sep 6 2017

   In Pittsburgh, Siddiq confesses to Eugene that he and Rosita were in love and that she planned to leave him. They share a laugh but obviously Siddiq has been holding in the info for a long time. The next morning, Michonne's team rides into the town on horseback. Seemingly deserted, she yells out looking for anyone and hears nothing. She cries out again and this time, they turn and see a lone girl holding a massive rifle. "Sup" she says...
You like me?! I'll probably be killed off in the next issue...

   Michonne is startled. They exchange words and eventually talk the girl into lowering her weapon. As they talk, she begins to get them to let their guard down a little and she introduces herself. Janita Sanchez - but you can call her princess... The Princess of Pittsburgh. Eugene suggests they keep it down and Princess suddenly opens up the gun, mowing down a herd of walkers. Michonne tells her they need to go, and at first decline her an invite to join them. She asks why not? She's cool. She has a pink jacket. She has purple hair and cool goggles. They relent and she asks them to follow her so she can get her stuff.

   As they walk, she comments how few white people are in their group. As they explain, the fewer people makes the only minority available as "alive". The keep going and eventually draw near. The others are understandably nervous, and as she walks up to the building she yells out to Look Alive, Boys..." She's brought them some horses...". Michonne points the shotgun at her and yells to anyone to hear that she'll kill the girl if anyone makes any moves. Princess starts to laugh. She says she was kidding. To hold her gun and she'll be right back. Michonne is not amused.. but with that, this issue is left to be continued.
Oh you..

   Seems like with The Walking Dead, it's going to be one issue completely rich with dialogue and plot points, the next somewhat void of them. That's totally cool to me. Sometimes there's a lot to be said about a book that stays in one direction. I appreciate a lot of content but I also enjoy ner characters. Princess seems like a real firebrand. How long will she be around? Guess there's only one way to find out. I give this one an 8/10.

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Justice League #28


Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Fernando Pasarin
Cover by Bryan Hitch
Published Sep 6 2017

   At the Kent Farm, Hunter enjoys a reunion he truly thought he'd never see again. Being from the future, Jon was like his big brother. As he brings up Damien Wayne, Clark changes the subject and the boy takes their guest to show him his old room. Afterwards Lois tells Clark that the kids might be right where they need to be. Here. Now. With the Justice League.
What if, Clark?!

   Meanwhile in Amnesty Bay, Eldora swims with Mera. She asks about her and Hunter and her future daughter gets emotional, reuniting with her mother. at the Foundry, Cyborg's father Silas is amazed by the technology in Cube's body. Grandson and grandfather are formerly introduced, and Cyborg shars a moment connecting with his son. Back in Central City, Flash and Jessica enjoy the company of their apparent future children. Cruise eventually passes out while the Lantern twins glow blue. As weird as it all is, the two League members only know that these kids need their help.
Can somebody get this chick off me?

   In Midway City, Simon meets with members of the Army to discuss the quarantine of one of the army's units. At least I think so. To be honest... I don't really know what's going on with that part except Baz can kind of hear someone talking. Back at the Kent Farm, Clark has a moment with Hunter. It's strange being back. He remembers every sound... every smell. Hunter rages out at Wonder Woman abandoning him again, the very notion striking Superman as odd. Finally he asks - After the darkness, what happens to Jon and Lois? Hunter tells him the bad news. They all died in battle. Clark tells him we'll stop this somehow. Hunter asks him how... He tells him it feels so good to be back but seems pretty hopeless.
Everything sucks, Clark!

   The issue wraps at the Watchtower. Wonder Woman reviews footage from the Kindred with Genie, who in reality is future scary cyborg Aquaman but she doesn't know that yet. The Kindred said they have a part to play in what's coming. She asks to see the Fear creature. All of it being connected. What if the war is with her. Just then, Cube calls Hunter. He heard everything and saw everything Wonder Woman saw. They decide the only way to avoid war is that they're gonna have to kill her. And with that, we're left to be continued. 
   So here's the 28th issue of this series and they're still putting in the work to connect nearly every arc that came before it to where they are right now. That takes some dedication. Normally they lose me but Bryan Hitch is masterful at it. I've lamented about when a comic goes in a lot of directions but this one is perfect. I wish a lot of books I read would attack plot points with as much accuracy as this one does. Great issue. I give it a 10/10.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Royals #7


Written by Al Ewing
Penciled by Kevin Libranda
Cover by Sanford Greene
Published Sep 6, 2017

   5000 years from now, an aged Marvel Boy battles an army of insect like beings that attack at the equator while Maximus the Last Inhuman watches. They bide their time while the Progenitors return. In the present and on Cantuari-IV, Flint has a friendly battle with a fellow Inhuman while Crystal watches in the stands with some of the locals. One of them looks back and sees Swain sitting alone. She approaches her and sees if she would like some company. After Swain tells her that she's taken, the alien offers an ear to listen while Crystal mentions that she hasn't seen Gorgon in a long time.
Have any of you happened to see a large goat-legged gentleman?

   The reason for that is because he's been captured by Snarks and his fellow Inhuman tour guide was vaporized. his captors explain that they plan to imprison the visiting Inhumans to weaponize their powers, though the sick Medusa will likely just be disposed of. Gorgon smarts off and as one of them rises to kill him, the other smites him for endangering a weapon.
   Meanwhile out in the desert, Medusa, Marvel Boy and the imprisoned Maximus check out the Skyspear. The locals tell her one of their great mages went to look into it, but was tricked into protecting the site until his dying day. Medusa tells them there's another option. She unchains Maximus and he immediately takes control of the others. He uses one of the Inhumans telekinesis powers to subdue Marvel Boy. Medusa orders him to put him down which he does... hard.
I'll just lightly set him over here.

    Back in the arena, Flint and the warrior finish their battle and talk while Crystal again mentions she wants to go look for Gorgon. Suddenly the earth shakes, a sensation that almost always means Gorgon's signature stomp and without warning, gas fills the room.They awake encased in glass tubes. Gorgon tells Crystal the good news. The Snarks need them all alive to use their powers in their civil war. The bad news is that they don't need Medusa and they intend to murder her. Gorgon is working on a plan but he's not currently his normal self. His hoof leggings now replaced with regular human ones, the Inhumans are in a lot of trouble. We'll have to wait till next time to see how they get out of it as this issue is left to be continued.
Gorgon's "Beast" look.

   The Inhuman saga continues in space but seven issues in - I wonder what's their endgame. It seems like they've been zooming around for awhile now trying to figure out the Kree and where Teregenisis exactly started, but one has to wonder how much more than be out there before they find a home to land on. Maximus, the biggest offender of all Inhuman history has been with them for seven months now. How much longer until he takes control? It's still an ok book but I'm ready for something big to happen. When that is is anyone's guess. I give this one a 7/10.

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Monday, September 25, 2017

Daredevil #26


Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Ron Garney
Cover by Ron Garney
Published Sep 6, 2017

   With Blindspot missing, Daredevil helps to take care of the people of Chinatown. He takes the cards to Sam's sister Hannah to translate the cards from Chinese though she's not much of a willing participant. Finally she reads him one that really gets his attention - one addressed to him.
It's really just a bunch of Chinese cursewords.

   Later Matt explains to the DA that he needs to take a leave of absence and after all he's done for the city, he's granted time off. On his way out he tells his coworker Ellen that he recently received a letter from Sam. Living in China he needs help. Back at Foggy's apartment, he has his former-and-now-once-again best friend to ship his costume to him. Foggy warns him that it's a trap but Matt is persistent. He arrives and although he could have come in under an alias, he's using his real identity as an attorney. He's questioned and released, eventually going out to do some sightseeing but misses Foggy's call in the process.
Should invest in an Apple watch.

   Finally he gets to the temple that Blindspot directed him to in the letter. Inside, Ten Fingers is dragged before some demonic monster who ignores the former Hand henchman's cries for mercy, and attacks with some sort of weird eye-rope things. Outside Daredevil hears the cries. Making sure to keep a clear mind, he leaps into action and avoids the throwing stars almost perfectly. There before him stands several Hand warriors. He holds nothing back and fights for keeps. Standing off to the side, he notices one warrior just keeps watch.
   The issue ends with the Hand goons pausing the fight. Daredevil calls out the lone bystander. He leaps down and Matt recognizes his voice. He's punched unconscious and there stands Blindspot with eyes aglow. He tells the others to take him away and with that, we're left to be continued.
Guess who?!

   It's been a long time since we saw Ron Garney back at the pencils on this book. Too long. This is what made the book good in the first place, as some of the replacement artists have lately left quite a bit to be desired. Charles Soule is a masterful writer, creating deep and complex characters in this series and Ron Garney is the perfect one to put it on a page. This arc is starting off with a boom. The Hand. Blindspot. Daredevil in China... I can't wait to see where it goes from here. I give this one a 9/10.

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Thursday, September 21, 2017

X-Men Gold #11


Written by Mark Guggenheim
Penciled by Lan Medina
Cover by Dan Mora
Published Sept 6 2017

   With Illyana Rasputin missing, Logan threatens to kill Peter's uncle but both he and Kitty back him off. Anatoly tells them he had no choice but to set the X-Men up but he can help them find Magik. Colossus agrees and goes back to Komolov's hideout under the guise of his prisoner.
Logan might be old, but he can still smell a lie...

   Once there, Nightcrawler watches from above as Peter waits to meet the head comrade in charge. Meanwhile on the nearby roof, Logan and Kitty are blindsided by Omega Red. Peter meets with Viktor who tells him that his sister has strengthened Omega Red who subsequently continues his battle with the X-Men. Komolov orders Peter's uncle to kill him. He tells the X-Man he shouldn't have trusted him, to whom he responds with a "Don't worry - I didn't.." He flashes back to an earlier conversation - Prestige tells him that his uncle is lying. Now with Kurt's help, he knocks his uncle to the ground and the two make their way to the catacombs.

   Outside, Kitty orders Rachel to shut down Omega Red's mind. She's unsuccessful, and a more more powerful version of the monster they faced before has the team on the ropes. Back underground, Kurt and Peter find Illyana. They free her as Komolov walks near. She hits him with a powerful swipe from her soulsword and the mobster hits the deck.
How ya like me now?!

   Back up top, Logan continues fighting but Omega Red senses he's not as strong as he once was. He's older. Weaker. While in the catacombs, Komolov knocks Illyana back using his magic. He strikes at Colossus. Knowing that the nanites burrowed into his skin and disrupted his mutant power, he erroneously thinks he has the Russian down when suddenly he turns metallic. Colossus tries his best not to kill the mobster. Panel by panel, we see him trading hits while Logan knocks out Omega Red.
Uncle Fredo over here... Pop always thought you were a loser. 

   The issue ends with Peter talking with his uncle behind bars. All the bad guys are caught. His uncle asks him if he even remembers being Russian anymore, and Peter tells him that he owes his father's grave some flowers for keeping his uncle away from the family. He walks out of the prison and Kitty plants a big kiss on him. He looks forward to going home. Not back in Russia but wherever his Katya is. With that, this issue is concluded.
   So the issue I thought would have focused so much on Omega Red basically confined him to a few pages. That's a little disappointing. When this book teased his return, I really felt they'd go all out but in the end, he was just kind of a prop. Mark Guggenheim has been doing a good job but this arc could have been a lot deeper and complex. I guess it is what it is. I give it a 7/10.

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Spider-Man #20

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Nico Leon
Cover by Patrick Brown
Published Sep 6 2017

   High above the streets of Tokyo, Spider Man Miles Morales lands on top of a building and opens a briefcase waiting for him. Inside is a suit and a weapon which he promptly smashes. He later knocks on a door and gives the password, walking into a formal black tie party. He gets a text from Lana which immediately implicates Ganke revealing his location, when Tomoe the gangster walks up for an introduction.
Hi. I'm Tomoe.

   Two weeks prior, Miles and Ganke have a discussion. He needs a switch. Ganke tells him it's not a bad idea. Miles decides to take the $487 he's saved, hop on a plane (literally), hop on a train (literally) and finds himself on the streets of Tokyo. With Ganke constantly texting him, he sees some goons wearing Green Goblin masks assaulting a schoolgirl. When he tells them to stop, they take exception, hitting him with a baseball bat before he grabs and smashes it. He kicks one of them in the air before finally losing his balance. One of the goons puts a gun to his head. A woman steps out of a limousine and rips the gun from his hand, later popping a bullet into her mouth and spitting it through the henchman's knee. Her assistant tells him to meet up later for more information and they disperse. 
Super Nuclear Loogie.

     Later Miles walks when he gets a text from an untraceable source. It reveals the location of a metal case with everything he'll need. Apologizing for dragging him into this, he's intrigued. What kind of a mess has he gotten himself into? We'll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.
Did you have any plans?!

   A Bendis book that gets right to the point and is a quick read? I'll take it. There's something to be said about comics that don't get bogged down with plot twists and immediately run in thousands of directions. Say what you will about solo titles in lieu of their superhero team adversaries but these are great. Sometimes you gotta go with Hulk or Thor books over the Avengers. A Wolverine or Jean Gray book is always gonna be a faster read than keeping up with 15 X-titles. This was a good one. I give it a 9/10.

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