Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Uncanny X-Men #11

Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Greg Land
Cover by Greg Land and Nolan Woodward
Released Aug 3, 2016

   The issue begins at the Elk Run Research Facility in Utah where a team of terrorist mutants working to stamp out healers breaks in and murders scientists who have been using sentinental technology to build new "mutant murder machines". One of them has second thoughts and is killed by the team who obviously deem him expendable.  
   Next we find Monet in the war room in the savage land, having an argument with her brother Emplate whom she absorbed in the previous issue and has manifested himself as a talking mouth in her hand. Meanwhile Psylocke trains in the facilities' gym, which compared to their danger rooms of the past, seems a bit archaic. Magneto comes in to speak with her, but it's clear she's still miffed at him for working with Fantomex and Mystique behind the X-Men's backs. He walks out on her and she takes her frustrations out on a heavy bag when Monet walks in and tells Betsy that she can find out what else Magneto is hiding, if she'll just trust her.
   Sabertooth runs around in the jungle killing dinosaurs when he's confronted by the odd, newly merged Warren Worthington/Archangel persona who tells him hes needed elsewhere. That location turns out to be the Hellfire Club, where Psylocke and Sabertooth crash one of those strange masquerade parties all the weirdos over there always seem to be throwing. She explains to him that she thinks Magneto is involved with the club again and the final panel reveals a very dressed up Monet in the presence of what appears to be old wackos Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Trevor and Madeline Pryor all dressed up in their normal gauche attired selves. We're left thinking that the X-men are on the verge of solving this mystery, but obviously you'll have to wait until the next issue to see how far they get...

This blog accompanies my video review HERE

For the Nerdiest Kid You Know, I'm Sam Terito.

Thanks for reading!

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