Thursday, September 22, 2016

Superman #6

Written by Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Penciled by Patrick Gleason
Cover by Doug Mahnke and Wil Quintana
Published Sep 7, 2016

   The dramatic conclusion of "Son Of Superman" finds Clark beating the absolute shit out of the Eradicator on the moon. Lois seems startled about this near steroid-fueled rage but Jon points out it's the Kryptonians inside him that are powering him up. Banter and battle rages between the two, eventually resulting in a moonquake which gets NASA's attention and the fight goes viral. The battle nears an end, and Superman pulls Krypto through the Eradicator's chest. They fall back towards the moon slugging it out, and finally beat the Kryptonian force out of him, knocking over the lunar module on the moon's surface and forming a gigantic House of El logo in the sky.
   Superman tells his spirit ancestors to go in peace, and as the Eradicator dies, further humiliates him by having Krypto sit on his burned up corpse. He picks the module back up and makes sure the camera sees him - broadcasting his face back to Metropolis and after a 'key to the city' ceremony, lets the world know that Superman is officially back.
   Back at the farm, Clark comes into Jon's room and has a heart to heart, telling him about how somehow, a pair of glasses will forever mask his identity to the public. The issue wraps with the two of them flying up to the Justice League Watchtower in orbit, and Clark introduces his son to Batman and Wonder Woman officially as Superboy.
   While kind of devoid of story, the issue wrapped up everything from the previous issues and tied everything together. I'm not exactly sure that they needed 6 parts to do it in, but it's about what you'd expect from this series. The art was pretty vibrant - lots of bright yellows, blues, and reds filled the pages. Far from being complex, it delivered what was expected. 7/10.

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Thanks for reading.

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