Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men #8

Written by Jeff Lemire
Penciled by Humberto Ramos/Victor Ibanez
Cover by Humberto Ramos
Published Mar 16, 2016

   Storm sits in her study pondering the future of the X-Men when Logan walks in. They begin talking and mostly to me because of his age, begin to share a creepy romantic moment when Forge walks in and, thankfully interrupts them. He has news: Cerebra has discovered over 600 new mutants in Tokyo. She sends Colossus, Cerebra, and the young new mutants to investigate and as they enter the supposed location, they find 600 mutant embryos and Sugar Man, a freaky looking and shift-shaping mutant geneticist from an alternate reality.
   The fight between them all begins, and the globe Sugar Man was defending powers up, trapping the initial mutant team who arrived first and teleports them 1000 years into the future. The rest of Storm's X-men arrive to follow them down the wormhole, but leave Magik behind to protect the limbo state that the X-Mansion and pretty much all the rest of this team's reality seems to exist in.
   When they get there, they find the team though much older in the future. Only one member of the team is missing. When asked where he is, it's revealed just in time for us to discover Apocalypse Colossus and his new horsemen. Looks like the X-Men are in for a heck of a battle.
   I enjoyed this issue if for anything, it was cool to set up the return of Apocalypse. This issue ties in with the Apocalypse Wars storyline and was was first published back in March right at the time of the newest X-Men film opening around that time. It sets the story up well and has me looking forward to the next one. I give it a solid 7/10.

If you like this description, check out my accompanying video HERE or click below:

Until next time, thanks for reading!

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