Tuesday, September 20, 2016

All-New Wolverine #6

Written by Tom Taylor
Pencils by David Lopez and David Vavarrot
Cover by Bengal
Published Mar 9, 2016

   After Zelda dies at the hands of the Alchemax guards, it's up to her sisters Gabby, Bellona, and Wolverine to take their revenge. They rough up Captain Mooney and follow him to the bunker, attacking Mooney and his forces and from the looks of it, suffering the loss of Bellona in the process. As her body is lying on the autopsy table, she springs to life, threatens the scientists and uploads all of the nanite information Alchemax has on her and her sisters to the SHIELD servers.
   Later Wolverine hear's Mooney coming and the girls agree for her to go and find Chandler while they deal with Mooney. Bellona kills him and explains to Gabby that she has to go, as part of the agreement the made with "her"to enact their revenge. Meanwhile Wolverine finds Dr. Chandler and roughs him up, later allowing Gabby to strike a claw inches from his face just to remind him just how close he came to dying that day.
   The issue ends with a cameo by none other than Kimura - X-23's most hated rival. explaining to Bellona that a deal's a deal, and in return for allowing the girls to kill everyone at the Alchemax lab, she's now the proud owner of the tech inside Bellona, no doubt setting up something sinister down the road.
   This comic was simple and no frills. It did what it promised to in finishing up the four sisters storyline, but left a few holes. For example, I'm not sure where they got the phone that would be used to send all the info to Maria Hill with SHIELD. Either way., everything was convenient and easy to do what they needed to do, and didn't really stray into any other errant territories which was nice for a change. The art was a little wack, almost like they were like "WE'RE UNDER A DEADLINE HERE! FINISH THAT WOLVERINE BOOK UP!" But I enjoyed the Powerpuff Girl-Power kind of vibe, and I like where Tom Taylor is going here. I give it a 6/10.

If you like this review, check out my accompanying video review HERE.

Thanks for reading.

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