Thursday, September 22, 2016

Amazing Spider-Man #9

Written by Dan Slott
Penciles by Giuseppe Camuncoli
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Mar 9, 2016

Scorpio Rising Part 1: One Way Trip

   Nick Fury storms into Parker Industries looking for Peter, but is met instead by Spider-Man, who explains that he's cracked Zodiac's leader Scorpio's code and has a way to finally track him down. They head to the SHIELD satellites in space to manually reactivate them. Meanwhile, the Gemini's explain it to Scorpio that Spider-Man figured out a way to find them. He remotely sends every SHIELD satellite in the area hurtling towards them, but Fury shoots each one out of the sky while Spider-Man works on hacking them.
   Since he uses their return Rocket as a last ditch effort to stop the largest satellite, Spidey realizes he'll have to send Fury to the International Space Station while he dives back towards Earth through the atmosphere. Knowing his suit, costume, and probably everything else he has will burn up on re-entry, he calls Anna Marconi for help. Probably the best part of the issue is when Anna is kissing her new romantic interest at Parker Industries, Aiden Blain, and the Brian Bot, whose brain Doc Ock controls, seethes with jealousy and interrupts them.
   Spider-Man uses his web foam to build a cocoon around himself, and fires up a siren he has on himself (for some reason) to warn the people of Paris that he's about to make a dangerous crash landing. He lands - hard - and sees a glowing light burning through the foam. It explodes and there stands Scorpio, with his Zodiac key in hand, who announces to Spidey that he doesn't make it to tomorrow.
   Another Dan Slott puff piece, the author shows more reasons as to why so many in the comic book world don't care for him., The story is banal and plain, but I still liked it. Extra points for the Doc Ock cameo, but points off for Marvel shoving more SHIELD down our throats. The Alex Ross painted cover delivers, and the art is decent. 6/10.

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