Monday, September 12, 2016

All New, All Different Avengers #6

Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Mahmud Asaaa
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Feb 24, 2016

     Mr Gryphon, the mysterious buyer of the former Avengers Tower, reveals himself as.. surprise! Kang the Conqueror. He attacks the new Avengers with an army of time displaced versions of the thermal villain Equinox. With Nova and Ms Marvel ousted from the group because of the Vision's secret machinations and Captain America and Thor shunted to the future without her enchanted hammer, Kang shows his biggest poker hand yet that could spell doom for our newest team of heroes: Using the Vision as his very own secret weapon.
   Nova and Ms Marvel head back to the fight after realizing Vision was not in his right mind and clearly being controlled. While fighting however, Kang explains that the real reason he's here is to siphon power from Thor's hammer to travel back to his time. Meanwhile in the near future, Captain America and the cancer stricken Doctor Jane Foster (who's actually also secretly Thor) also need the hammer to get Thor's power back. Only problem is that it seems she passes out before they get the opportunity.
   Spider-Man pretends to be one of the Equinox clones and pulls Nova and Ms Marvel away from danger just in time to distract the real present-day Equinox, whom he then punches out and takes all of the clones out of existence. They all disappear in the future allowing for Cap to reunite Jane with the hammer, giving her back her powers. Thor reboots Vision and the Avengers are all able to attack Kang at once. He however is able to hit them with some kind of energy beam that drags them through their own timelines. Vision zaps him from behind and distracts him and Thor hits both the present day hammer and the future hammer together, weaponizing a time paradox that sends him to some other dimension.
   The Avengers collect the unconscious Equinox to bring him to jail while Sam Wilson comforts Jane while she receives her cancer treatments. He promises to keep her secret safe but wonders aloud why she never told them about it in the first place...

This description is accompanied by my video review HERE!. If you like it, please give me a thumbs up and subscribe.

Thanks for reading. See you soon for Issue #8.

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