Thursday, September 29, 2016

Justice League #5

Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Tony S Daniel
Cover by Tony S Daniel
Published Sep 21, 2016

   Aquaman is driven by instinct to bring some objects to a specific part of the sea. Something is singing to him and he doesn't know how or why, but it's just telling him what to do. Meanwhile at the Kent Farm, Cyborg realizes he's controlling the weird robot insects that swarmed all over him. He can communicate worldwide and realizes Flash is in trouble and can directly speak with the Green Lanterns as well. Flash tells him and Batman to meet him, that the Kindred took his powers and are somehow using them. Cyborg and Batman tell Lois and Jon that Superman, who's still busy fighting the energy sources at the earths core, will be ok and they teleport off.
   Wonder Woman explains to the Kindred that absorbed her that her friends are gathering, and retreats out of the gigantic being. Aquaman continues to instinctually prepare the ocean floor for stopping the quakes while the rest of the team realizes that since the Kindred are made of people, they can't destroy them. They just have to disrupt them. Flash takes his speed back, weakening them, and Cyborg calls upon the Lanterns to pump the purge beings back onto the Kindred. Aquaman stabs the artifacts into them, the Green Lantern's keep blasting them, and finally Superman pulls the last of the quake energies out of the Earth and it explodes, finally disrupting them for good.
   Justice League reminds me of those old Avengers comics that is way over my head. I don't know if I just require more simple stories or if these just reach so far without shoring up certain parts or whatever. I don't think it's necessarily a DC thing either because the Superman and Batman books work hard to explain a lot but Justice League just crams every hero in and creates these conflicts so broadly that they screw a little bit up. The artwork is good enough but the story didn't connect very well. 5/10.

If you liked this description, check out my video review HERE or click below.

Until next time, thanks for reading!

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