Thursday, September 15, 2016

Invincible Iron Man #7

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Mike Deodato
Cover by Mike Deodato
Published Mar 2, 2016

   After writing the always hilarious "memo" described on the title page about "NOT being late", the always unpunctual Tony Stark shows up 40 minutes late to interview his new, potential life organizer, Mary Jane Watson. Stark introduces her to his AI operations manager, Friday and between the banter between them, realizes Colonel Rhodes has not checked in from Tokyo. Tony asks who he can get to help look for him while he's on his way there, and Friday mentions Peter Parker's bodyguard, Spider-Man, but he doesn't seem to be answering the call. MJ calls Pete from her "emergency line" and next thing you know, our favorite international webslinger is scouring the streets of Tokyo looking for War Machine.
   After falling victim to some tech-ninjas in the previous issue, War Machine comes to, tied up in some warehouse looking spot. He tries to power up but the suit appears non-operational. After some minor questioning, the woman holding him hostage pulls all of his armor off, leaving him in a rather fragile state just as the mega tech beast Tomoe stands before him, ready to interrogate him for what appears to be a long, painful time. Iron Man appears to be on course to help save him, but only time will tell if he makes it there quick enough.
   The issue ends with a cameo of Riri Williams in her MIT apartment apparently banging away on a new experiment. Her older dorm mates are quick to object, trying to get her to quiet down. The final page reveals her tearing down an old Iron Man suit, but what her intentions are wait to be revealed in the next issue.

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