Friday, September 9, 2016

Justice League #4

Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Jesus Merino
Cover by Fernando PAsarin
Published Sep 7 2016

   Green Lantern's Simon and Jess continue fighting the enemy creatures heading towards earth, while at the Kent farm, Batman tries to help Cyborg keep the swarming insect creatures from rewriting his code. The one word he keeps hearing repeated over and over again is "purged" and he slowly realizes how dire their situation could possibly be.
    As the gigantic kindred beings begin discussing the fact that the breaking of this world is near, they prepare to sing some kind of song to signal other universes. Aquaman seems to be the only one that hears it and orders his kingdom to seek shelter. Cyborg explains to Batman that he's still linked to the insects and he senses that there's some movement underway to covert the purged into something inhuman. He realizes that the quake things Superman went after (whom he is currently struggling with mightily) in the earths core was just a fail safe in case the kindred fail to break the world.
    Flash happens upon the four statuesque beings and is absorbed into the purge while Wonder Woman floats in the limbo world trying to reason with the voices she's hearing. An exhausted Superman destroys one of the quake machines in the core but realizes he has to destroy all of them or else it's all for nought. Meanwhile Flash is spotted by WonderWoman, who sees him in pain and screaming for help - which Cyborg hears over the network he's still connected to. He tries to combat them mentally somehow and is incapacitated. Finally we see the green lanterns at the planet's surface that had been generating the weird alien things and make a startling discovery... Millions of  collective beings that all look like a fragmented version of Cyborg. What's gonna happen? Guess there's only one way to find out.

If you like this description, please check out the accompanying video review of it HERE!

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