Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Spider-Man #2

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Sara Pichelli
Cover by Sara Picheli
Published Mar 2, 2016

   After the demon Blackheart shows up and pretty much soundly defeats the Avengers, the only real problem he seems to have is with the original Spider-Man, whom after he shows up, sends Blackheart running scared. The two Spider-Men chat and recap a conversation that took place in the Spider-verse, where Peter Parker tells Miles Morales he can be Spider-Man too. It's during this little recap that Blackheart gets his bearings and punches the original Spider-Man so hard, he pretty much completely incapacitates him.
   By initially using Captain America's shield, Miles soundly defeats Blackheart, and to the amazement of all of people filming it, not to mention the Avengers, creates a media firestorm. Peter assures the police that the new Spidey is cool, and Miles rushes back to his dorm room. There he relates his shock to his roomate Ganke that he touched a real, actual demon. Ganke shows him a Youtube video where a vlog writer shares her unfettered enthusiasm that thanks to a tear in his uniform, the video of his fight proves that this new Spider-Man is black. Miles is left irritated that his skin tone would actually be newsworthy, saying all he wants to be is just a normal Spider-Man and his race shouldn't be of any note, but that's obviously not the case.
   A cameo of Black Cat watching the news reveals what's in storm for Miles coming up, but the issue hangs on Miles' grandmother showing up at his parents' house, who appears ready to straighten him out. Will Miles live through it to fight any villains, or will his abeula take him out before he ever gets the chance. Guess we have to wait until issue #3 to find out.

If you liked this description, please check out my video review HERE!

Thanks for reading.

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