Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Star Wars #34


Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Salvador Larocca
Cover by Mike Mayhew
Published Aug 16, 2017

   The smugglers Sana Starros and Lando Calrissian discuss over drinks. He'll get her in the door for the next heist but it's gonna cost her. It was two days earlier she pulled her first of a series of swindles. 5000 credits from some Krawg pirates for one crate of blasters as a downpayment, with 12 more crates promised .
She was Han Solo's wife. Why couldn't you trust her?

   In Coruscant, Lando recaps what happened. She ratted the pirates out and got her guns back. Now using his connections, they're about to try and sell some information to the Empire. 20,000 credits for the guns and the name of the person that originally stole them. Things get a little intense but in the end, Lando remarks that it was truly a thing of beauty. Especially since she doesn't even technically HAVE the guns.

   The um, person who does have them is Jabba the Hutt. They walk in and Sana tells the gangster that she knows who has the thirteenth crate but the information will cost him 20,000 credits. Just then, one of the pirates she ripped off in the beginning pulls a blaster but she shoots him before he can fire. Better yet, the blaster on him is one of the ones allegedly stolen, making her story sound even more credible.
   Lando and Sana leave with the money and as she reveals to him, the guns. She stole them while Lando and Jabba were getting hammered. 
Lando with his "Billy Dee Colt 45" Action..

Suddenly they're fired upon... The Krawg have caught up with them and this time, they've heard enough. Lucky for the smugglers, , an imperial cruiser shows up to arrest them all. It tells them to prepare to be boarded and Sana hits light speed, escaping yet again.
   They return to her home planet. Sana repays her part of the bargain - a date with dinner. Only it turns out to be less than edible and Lando Calrissian says his goodbyes. She tells the waiter to scrape it into the trash and bring out the good stuff. The issue ends with Han Solo onboard the millennium falcon. Once again, smuggling for a Hutt, we're left to be continued.
Han and another Hutt

   Lando is one of my favorite characters in the history of the Star Wars universe. He's like the original pimp. He's like George Lucas' Snoop Dogg. To be able to expand on a character made famous in a film literally 37 years ago just speaks to his immortal husslin' ways. He's awesome. I give this one a 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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