Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #10

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Alex Maleev
Cover by Alex Maleev
Published July 26, 2017

   Many years ago in Latveria, little Victor Von Doom finds his mother in the woods about to sacrifice a rabbit. The self-professed witch tells the boy that he must do the deed but the more he stares the animal down, the less and less likely he will be able to kill it. Today as a man, he awakens in her chambers and asks what plane exactly they're on. She tells him it's a place called the "tear", a place where the multiverse once was. 
Lady in red... is dancing with me.

   Meanwhile in the Atlantic, SHIELD has to pick up the pieces of a crashed Helicarrier. Ben Grimm gives Commander Carter a justified "I told you so" when she asks him to kill Doom at any cost. He takes off while back in the Tear, Victor and Cynthia meditate and train together. She asks him what is exactly the plan to do with Iron Man and he tells her it's a mantle he carries for Stark. The ultimate goal is to take down entities like Hydra and AIM. Meanwhile though he asks for more mystic training.
While the Thing might scare normal people, this kid's been around Dr. Doom all his life.

   Back at Doom's castle, Ben Grimm pulls up and sees a small child. After they talk a bit, it's clear that he and the people of his town desperately miss Doom and what he was able do for them. It's former resident continues training with magic while former classmate Grimm pokes around. Finally he sees it.. a picture of him, Doom, and Reed a long time ago. He kept it. In a frame even.

   Victor and his mother continue their spells when there he stands... Reed Richards in the Tear. There was a plan, Reed tells her.  Why did she bring him here?
   The issue wraps back at Castle Doom. Victor explodes from the sky. The Thing is shaken but Doom stands and tells him to run... If you are who you say you are, then run.. And with that, this issue is left to be continued.
They found me.. I don't know how, but they found me. RUN FOR IT!

   One of the coolest things about this particular book is that it's a quick read. Not packed with tons of dialogue but whatever it may lack in the word department (if that's actually a complaint) it more than makes up with in story and artwork. Bendis and Maleev as a team are really outdoing themselves. It's one of those books that I get mad at in summer when all the others are being published bi-monthly. This one is truly a diamond in the rough. I give it a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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