Saturday, August 19, 2017

Avengers #10

Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Mike Del Mundo
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Aug 2 2017

   Otto Octavious pilots a group of ragtag Avengers on a mission. Some merely brainwashed and some with nefarious intentions, Thor, Taskmaster, Scarlet Witch, and Vision all equally tire of Deadpool's conversations. As the ship nears it's destination, a wall of the island structure explodes allowing them entry.  
Hmmm... At least that's what I think happened. Sorry. Del Mundo art.

   Once inside, Otto tells them about how the government created a shield to protect from an alien invasion. Rebels have taken out the energy field boosters. The Avengers are there so clear them out. They pair up. Taskmaster and Black Ant encounter the first alien - a xenomorph. Ant shrinks down and enters the creature's eyeball. Once inside, he expands until the beast explodes. Meanwhile Deadpool and Vision encounter the next and make fast work of it, informing the rest of the team.
So artistic. It's too bad he forgot he's drawing a comic book and not some abstract impressionist bullshit.

   Nearby, Thor, Otto and Scarlet Witch fight another horde. It's then Taskmaster hears them communicating telepathically. Trapped here, the sympathetic aliens only try to find a way out. But an evil bastard, he lies to the other Avengers, telling them the messages are hostile.
   The team goes to work in a murderous siege. Later as they stand among the bodies, Thor expresses regret at the death of other sentient beings. They go to leave and Ant realizes one of his Pym Particles is missing. He dismisses it as tech others won't know what to do with as Dr. Octopus hides the tiny orb in his uniform. With that, this issue is concluded.
Was that wrong?

   I've complaned about Del Mundo's art ad naseum, so at this point it just goes without saying. It only hurts the writing though, and to Mark Waid's credit, it's grossly unfair. I've enjoyed the events of Secret Empire, as convoluted as they may have been. For example, I have no idea when we got this lineup of Avengers. But if you're willing to do the research, this was a pretty good change of events. I give this one a 9/10.
Points off for Del Mundo.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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