Sunday, August 13, 2017

Deadpool #34

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Matteo Lolli
Cover by David Lopez
Published July 26, 2017

   At the Hydra Headquarters, the commander laments yet another Maria Hill victory when Deadpool shows up with super D-list villain Trapster. On the way out, he's once again reminded how much they need the former SHIELD director out of the equation. 

Meanwhile a flashback shows him wrestling with Preston after she's learned that he killed Phil Coulson. He reminds her that it was on orders of Captain America, but her rage continues. She reveals a plan to get rid of him for good when he pulls the pin on a grenade.
Things That Make You go BOOOOM!

   She reboots and after an exchange, Deadpool tears her battery out. Later he boxes her up and brings her to a shipping center. When he returns to her house to grab Ellie, Terry questions where she is and he tells him she had to go underground. 


   Deadpool returns to the prison and he and Trapster hatch a plan. They walk to the front gate and stage a fight. When the guards attempt to apprehend Trapster, he shoots them with his super sticky multi-polymer liquid. Deadpool stalls more guards and as the villain holds them off, Deadpool explains to him that Steve Rogers will pay him in full. He asks what's so important in the jail and Wade tells him that it's Blackout. What exactly it is he wants with him remains a mystery though. He hits Trapster with an syringe to the neck, knocking him out cold. The commander asks him what he's going to do next and he tells him he's gonna apprehend Maria Hill by serving up Captain America. With that, we're left to be continued.

Hydra has the shittiest unis of any villains in comic book history.

   I've always liked Emily Preston but kind of always assumed she was on borrowed time. Since she wasn't melted down or anything though, her return is a near certainty. SHIELD and Deadpool were always meant to be enemies, although the sides of good vs evil are fairly muddied at the moment. Still it's obvious this entire situation he's in is both tragic and uncomfortable... and interesting enough, it's all Captain America's fault. What's gonna happen? I for one can't wait to find out. I give this issue a 8/10.

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