Friday, March 22, 2019

X-Men Red #11


Written by Tom Taylor
Penciled by Roge Antonio
Published Dec 12, 2018

   Tom Taylor’s X-Men Red drifts to a conclusion as the team battles Cassandra Nova in a surplus of Magneto helmets. Panic sets in as she threatens to crash a Helicarrier, but Gentle earns Thor’s respect as he holds it together. Luckily the team manages to distract Cassandra while they implant a nanite that forces her to feel empathy for other mutants. The issue wraps with Jean addressing the world and showing it her vision. But as this slow X-Men tale drifts to it’s end, we can finally at the very least be glad its over. I give this concluding issue a boring 6/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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