Saturday, April 7, 2018

X-Men Blue #22


Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Jacopo Camagni
Cover by Nick Bradshaw
Published Feb 28, 2018

   As killer Thrill and her pirates hurtle through space, they strike a mystery object. It turns out to be ice, but as it melts it turns out to be an attack from the X-Men and Venom. Jean works to shut down the locals voices buying them a few precious minutes.

Jean shuts them down.

   Once inside, Venom warns everyone to be careful. They allow one to speak and learn the Starjammers are ok. They split up. Scott moves to find the hostages while the others seal up their prisoners and head for the ship's bridge.

Because what we need to do on a huge alien mystery vessel is to split up.

   Jean is bothered by their parting. Something isn't right. But time is of the essence and they attack the real threats quick and violently. Meanwhile, Scott takes out the guards in front of the Starjammers' cell and enjoys a tearful reunion with his father Corsair.

Wait, Scott's dad is Magnum PI?

   Back on the bridge, the rest of the X-Men trade blows with the more experienced symbiotes. Jean Gray sends a psychic noise blast that cripples their enemies while protecting the team. While this unfolds, a mystery vessel nears them. Killer Thrill races to see who the visitors are while Beast does what he can to identify them. With the fight at a pause, Jean goes after Killer Thrill but both her and her symbiote are scared.

I'm TOTALLY freaking out right now.

   She discovers her in a cargo hold along with Kraven, and the Hunter reveals he's armed with several other mystery aliens. The issue wraps with Scott suddenly not feeling Jean's presence. The others get a similar sensation - but the mystery of where she is doesn't last long. She and Killer Thrill both stand armored and mind controlled. What's gonna happen next? We're left to wait and find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Oh Noze...

   When the young X-Men, who are already a bit underdeveloped emotionally, are forced to deal with the violent effects of Venom like aliens, it's a recipe for good reading. Couple them with Eddie Brock and you have some serious magic on your hands. And like I said before - with Jocopo Camagni, how could anything go wrong? I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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