Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Star Wars #44


Written by Kieron Gillen
Penciled by Salvador Larroca
Cover by David Marquez
Published March 7, 2018

   In the wake of stopping the excavator, the rebels have found their way to Mon Cala, home of Admiral Ackbar to search for more alliances. Grand Admiral Urtya surfaces, and while he and Princess Leia negotiate, Han points out an Imperial patrol ship that's just so happened to discover their meeting.

What a coincidence...

   They destroy Urtya's ship, and as the rest of the group makes a run for it, Han hides a grenade while as he plans to get everyone out of trouble. He explains the entire meeting is a smuggling operation, and as he fakes a bribe, throws the explosive into their transport.

Well I don't have any money, but I do have this cool grenade...

   They all use the diversion to run into the woods, hoping to avoid the man eating plants. Leia keeps talking with the Mon Calan as they all make a run to the boat. Climbing aboard, Chewie blasts the cannon at the remaining stormtroopers and they make their getaway. 

This is why you never get out of the boat.

   Leia explains they need a fleet. With the destruction of Alderaan and Jedha, it doesn't have to happen again. But Urtya counters with it being Mon Cala's sacrifice... With their king still in imperial custody, he turns her down. With their scouting trip a failure, they return to space. Leia takes the spurning hard, and as they return to the Mako-Ta Space docks, she has an idea. She tells C3PO to open a secret channel to undercover rebel Queen Trios. Their gonna break the Mon Calan king out of jail. How will they do it? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

The ship must have Verizon.

   Once again, this series proves that it's a way to expand the Star Wars cannon more than even the films can. Though all true fans mourned the loss of Ackbar in Episode VIII, Kieron Gillen works to make his role still important, officially explaining just how much closer General Leia and her military companion were leading up to the attack on the resistance fleet. As usual, I dig where this is going. I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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