Thursday, April 5, 2018

Avengers #682


Written by Mark Waid, Al Ewing, and Jim Zub
Penciled by Sean Izaakse
Cover by Mark Brooks
Published Feb 28, 2018
   Nearly 150 years in the past, Sheriff Red Wolf stares into the barrel of a pistol. Today, he joins the Avengers in a fight to the death in the New Mexico valley and Falcon hurriedly brings he and Hawkeye up to speed.

Ok Clint - here's everything you missed...

   Meanwhile in the Antarctic, Rogue flies her exhausted team and prisoners through the frozen tundra. They share in her loss of Human Torch, and she allows Lightning to head for HQ to summon better transportation.

Guess Herc hasn't been reading Thor lately. Might not wanna be too mean to old Jane, jerk. #metoo

   At the hospital, Beast and Wasp work on Jarvis, using themselves as guinea pigs but having disastrous affects. Back in New Mexico, the Avengers and the Lethal Legion battle hard, with each suffering defeat and upperhand with every other blow.

I hit you, you hit me...

   In the past, Red Wolf was able to tell his assailant was unarmed by looking into the revolver chamber. In the present, he can tell there's something about the pyramoid that doesn't kill a person, so he asks Hawkeye to cover him. The warrior uses the distraction and leaps over the advancing Legionaires to touch the pyramoid. He disappears but Clint explains to Falcon that his friend knew something special about the item.


   Back inside the Grandmaster's gameroom, he and his challenger argue. He sends the final puzzle piece into the souls of the dead and they haunt Jarvis's hospital room. The butler tells them it's all a lie. While the Challenger reveals his ace - rage. Jarvis flatlines while original Hulk, Dr Bruce Banner walks out of a tomb. What's gonna happen next? We'll find out in 7 days as this issue is Hulktinued.

Good to see he's not chained up in Cho's trunk anymore.

   This series is essentially Marvel saying they can do anything DC can. Even using former 52 architect Mark Waid. but as the writer explains himself, those were all individual stories that later interconnected. With this weekly series, the story started off big and now it's getting even bigger. I'm really enjoying where they're taking this. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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