Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Avengers #683


Written by Mark Waid, Al Ewing, and Jim Zub
Penciled by Paco Medina
Cover by Mark Brooks
Published Mar 7, 2018

   Back at HQ, Lightning sprints in and requests a quinjet to pick up Rogue's team when a monitor reveals the latest pyramoid at Jarvis' hospital. With the ghosts attacking and Jarvis fading, Wasp micro-shrinks Beast to fight their patient's pathogens, while she shoots down the hallway to grab the pyramoid. When she touches it, she's thrown back - clueless as to what to do next.

Wait - that's new!

   Meanwhile Beast surfs inside Jarvis' bloodstream when something surprises him. Back in the hospital, Wasp does the next best thing and protects hospital staffers from the wraiths while Beast avoids lighting strikes at the Avengers butler's brain. Furthermore their entire history is on display. He leaps across the surface to attack the pathogen when it seizes him. Luckily Wasp joins the fight and they're able to escape back into normal-sized world.

Boy, are you lucky!

   When they do so, he begins to come to - and tries to warn them when Voyager appears to assist. She surrounds the pyaramoid when Jarvis yells out to them... There is no Valerie Vector. This Voyager was never an Avenger. It finally begins to make sense to Hank and Nadia and they realize they've all been fooled. Unfortunately the fake has already had enough timie to make off with the pyramoid, leaving the rest of the team in substantial trouble. What's gonna happen next? We'll have to wait until next week to find out.

Suddenly everybody realizes this...

   So just when you think you know somebody, they turn out to be a fake. Or course, you'd have to be kidding yourself to not expect Voyager to be a pawn of the Grandmaster or the Challenger, or even worse, somebody like Thanos. Still, that has all the makings to make her character even more epic. I can't wait to see what they do with her. I give this one a 10/10.

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