Monday, April 23, 2018

Avengers #684


Written by Mark Waid, Jim Zub and Al Ewing
Penciled by Paco Medina and Joe Bennet
Cover by Mark Brooks
Published March 14, 2018

   The book opens through the eyes of Bruce Banner, from his first Hulk transformation to every single reanimation since. Recapping his murder/suicide at the hands of Hawkeye and finally to the surrendering of his body to Dr Voodoo, eventually the monster is released to the possession of the Challenger. But with Voyager taking the final pyramoid, the Hulk has lost his target.

Go get em, Ray!

   At Jarvis’s hospital room, Beast and Wasp break down Voyager’s deception. Meanwhile at Avengers HQ, Dr. Toni Ho corresponds to the field teams but gets little response from Beast. In sickbay, Quicksilver and Cannonball regain consciousness amid an energy field enveloping them... Voyager has transported back with the pyramoid and locks herself away in the storage vault. Needing time to rest, we learn that the Grandmaster is actually her father. Usually his secret weapon, this time she rebels.

wait, so that's NOT how I remember it?!

   Meanwhile, Challenger sends Hulk into action. His first target is Menacle and Captain Glory whom give him little trouble. While the Avengers speak over comms, HQ is his next target. Enigma is sent to stop him. She rejects Dr. Ho's advice to stay phased and instead, hardens. Hulk tears her armor apart almost immediately, and her screams convince Cannonball to also join her in quick defeat.

Good job, dummy.

   The issue wraps with Lightning, squaring off with the Hulk and giving him everything he has. When the smoke clears, the green monster just looks at him. Finally he gets called out and turns to see Red Hulk equipped with the Iron Patriot armor. What happens next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

I'm the next guy to kill.

   So as predicted, Voyager makes her heel turn but looks to be on the fence as to which side to back. It's exciting to see a turn of events that really makes an engaging new character even more interesting. Meanwhile as Hulk looks more indestructible than ever, this series keeps getting better and better. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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