Friday, April 6, 2018

Despicable Deadpool #295


Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Scott Koblish
Cover by Mike Hawthorne
Published Feb 28, 2018
   Kid Apocalypse runs into two pedestrians telling them Deadpool is coming to kill him. He appears behing them and knocks them out, lowering his pistol at the boy as Stryfe watches the red dot flash off the screen. Summoning Wade to his control room, he gives the assassin the last of his kill list.

Last on the list, pal.

   When he returns, he wakes up Evan to explain. Deadpool shot the boy with a dart that suppresses the X-gene, causing him to blip off Stryfe's screen. Unfortunately for him though, Evan called the X-Men, who immediately knock him through a wall, phase a baseball bat through him and later phasing him through a window.

Just had to be the Gold Team too.

   In excruciating pain, DP explains to them all that Ellie would die if he didn't do Stryfe's bidding. Evan tells him he should have just come to his friends, but before any more explanation, Wade throws a grenade at them and escapes.

Smell Ya Later!

   He travels through the sewer leaving a bloody mess. There he sees his final target. A civilian named Marietta Nelson. He walks inside and she wakens to see him sitting there. He explains to her he already owes her an apology. She's upset, but the weird serial killer side of Gerry Duggan makes you watch him kill her over 5 horrible pages.

How long can we drag THIS out?!

   The issue wraps with Captain America hitting Deadpool with his shield. It's time for the merc to face the music but Wade has one more item on his bucket list. What that is will have to wait though as we're left to be continued.

Sure I started all this, but who cares?

   Deadpool is one sick character and we all know it. Still, the point about how he's a compassionate psycho can't be lost here. Case in point, Gerry Duggan used 25% of this book to kill someone we'll never see again. He killed a Daily Bugle reporter in 3 panels a few issues back but makes you sit through this one like a trainwreck you can't look away from. Still - it's riveting. A character who used to make me crazy now only makes me sad this writer's time is almost up here. Now if only he could take Tom Taylor away from All New Wolverine while we're scrambling eggs. I give this one a 9/10.

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