Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Action Comics #998


Written by Dan Jurgens
Penciled by Will Conrad
Cover by Will Conrad
Published Feb 28, 2018

   Booster Gold and Superman are strapped to a cross made of kryptonite. As the Zod family pelts them with eyeblasts, the recently departed Skeets overides an Eradicator droid and takes Lor-Zod out. Newly freed, Superman wails on the youngest Zod before Papa comes flying into him.

Hands off, Superman!

   Mother and Son are able to get his arms, and as Lor-Zod prepares to pull Kal-El's heart from his chest, Skeets overrides the entire army and Booster gets Zod in a headlock. They entire crew makes their escape via the repaired time sphere.

For all the setup the Zod thing took, they sure got out of there fast.

   Finally their entire reason for going back in the first place is realized. Superman is able to see the past. Krypton is destroyed along with his mother in the process, but his father is swept away. Booster tries to comfort him but all Superman can think of is his wife and son. The trio makes their way down when trouble strikes.
I get it. An Avengers joke. Oh DAN!!!

   Lois and Jon went to Logamba - all the news Superman needs to hear. He takes off when Skeets further informs Booster that Lois and Sam Lane were machinegunned to death just seconds before. Booster takes action, risking scores of trouble but going back 95 seconds in time before the shooting occurred.

Just in time!

   Booster shoots the gun and takes out the troops before they can fire. The three of them make it to the chopper when Superman further becomes the hero shielding them from anti-aircraft fire. Just a little more fodder for his defense in the coming issues.

Sam's looking forward to hating on Supes.

   The arc finally wraps with Superman taking up for Booster and the theft of Flash's cosmic treadmill. With that, Booster leaves to face the music and this epic story is finally concluded.

Alright Skeets. Let's bounce.

   Inside practically every DC book is a massive advertisement that "Bendis Is Coming". Indeed the Jurgens era drifts to an end in but one issue later but it's best to remember the good times. This series has been in good hands for awhile. Some would even say that giving it to Bendis threatens to pull Supes into an even wordier mess. For now, Dan has continued to do right by the man of steel. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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