Friday, April 27, 2018

The Punisher #222


Written by Matthew Rosenberg
Penciled by Guiu Vilanova
Cover by Clayton Crain
Published March 14, 2018

   Petrov gives a victory speech to his troops before they're interrupted by a falling tank. The Punisher has returned and opens fire on the army while Nick Fury chides Frank for not leaving the country. Chernaya has nuclear weapons and has threatened to use them. Threats still that go unheeded by one Frank Castle.

Y'all lose this?!

   The president's former SHIELD guards prepare to suit up to defend him as he walks into the bunker. Meanwhile Frank blows up tanks and continues killing the troops, even as Petrov reminds him he's attacking a sovereign nation. Suddenly he's hit from behind. The former agents explain to him that he's in a fight he cannot win.

Come on, Frank. Don't make yourself kill us.

   Frank throws c4 in one of their masks, blowing his head off. He then blows up the truck and the guards lose him, thinking he's jumped into a nearby tank. They use their armor to blow it up but by the time they inspect it, he's fled, later surfacing from underground. He bats them with the tank as the war machine armor warns of heavy damage.

Batter up!

   He ignores the warnings, bashing them with the turret. Nearby, Petrov initiates the nuke launch while Frank bids his armor farewell. Fury comes over comms and explains there's one final mission. as the Punisher takes off after the missile. Will he be able to stop it in time? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

   Matthew Rosenberg did such awesome work on the Phoenix Resurrection that it's easy to forget his regular gig. Like the afore mentioned book, this one too is like a resurrection taking over for where Becky Cloonan had left it. His work has been stellar and deserves all the accolades it can get. I really enjoy where they're taking it with this series. I give this one a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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