Thursday, April 5, 2018

All-New Wolverine #31


Written by Tom Taylor
Penciled by Marco Failla
Cover by David Lopez
Published Feb 28, 2018

   Jonathan the Wolverine has destroyed a statue. Laura puts on his translator and Gabby takes him for a walk when he drags her down the street. They see a lab. She calls Deadpool
"What's going on, Wade? You got time to be in another shitty book?! OH YOU DOOO?!"

   Deadpool is killing someone when the phone rings and he comes running. She tells him that Jonathan was rescued from a lab like this one and DP is gonna help her infiltrate. She walks up to the guards and Deadpool chloroforms them. Once inside, she does the same but fails to catch the collapsing, elderly man.

This triggered me.

   From the control room, they open the cages. They walk inside and see an army of zombie rabbits. The rabbits attack and they kill all of them. Later a zombie sloth slowly walks up the hallway. he too is eventually killed.

He's actually just trying to crawl away from this book.

   Wolverine tracks Gabby to the lab. She walks in and finds the two killing everything. Later Doctor Boreland comes out with a shotgun and Deadpool opens the door to the Pit. Inside a pack of zombie wolverines are inside - presumably Jonathan's family. They throw the doctor in the pit, and later burn the place down.
   I... um...

I give this a 4/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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