Monday, February 20, 2017

Extraordinary X-Men #12

Written by Jeff Lemire
Penciled by Humberto Ramos
Cover by Humberto Ramos
Published Jul 27, 2016

   Magik flies across the timestream, with cities rising and decaying within the blink of an eye. She only knows the X-Men are lost and it's up to her to find them. All it takes is a distracted moment, and she's zapped from the sky. The daughters of Sapna, the young mutant Illyana saved, beg her to kill her before she gets a chance to create this nightmare world they live in.Meanwhile 1100 years in the future, Storm has to convince Nightcrawler to help carry a feeble Apocalypse to safety to prevent Omega World from collapsing. Nearby, Horseman Deadpool gasses Iceman with his breath while Cerebra makes her first terrible joke.
   While this is going on, Jean Gray continues to try and reach Logan through Horseman Venom. It's only when Iceman reminds her to instead connect with the alien's mind that she shatters it from the inside out, freeing him. Outside, Colossus throws Glob at them and Logan charges him with claws out.
   Back somewhere in time, Magik debates with the abominations about Sapna's good nature. They tell her that centuries ago, she became a force of great evil. Illyana tells them she has no time for this insanity and leaves them. In the future, Colossus punches a vulnerable Glob but is quickly struck down by his sister, who's finally located them. Storm and Nightcrawler bamf to their location with Apocalypse. She orders the other X-Men to stand down and Magik teleports them back to the mansion. Storm begs Forge to save him or else Colossus will die. Apocalypse grabs him and teleports him to the Akkaba dimension. There his descendants worship him. War is here and Piotr Rasputin is with them. Will they be able to save him? We'll have to wait till next issue to find out.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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