Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Deadpool #15

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Mike Hawthrone
Cover by Rafael Albuquerque
Published Jul 13, 2016

   The Merc$ have had enough. As they go through all of Deadpool's records finding evidence upon evidence that he's been skimming off the top, the new goal is to find their contracts and destroy them. The only thing they have to do first is make sure they don't kill each other. While all that's going on, Wade is busy invading the Triskelion to kill everybody's new inhuman Ulysses. During their conversation,he decides to maybe just kill him later -  and after seeing his old crew breaking into his bank on the Ulitmates' Monitors, makes a quick exit. Only problem is running into Blank Panther first.
   During the next few pages, the two of them fight with some of the lamest Game of Thrones ruining dialogue in addition to just essentially wasting the readers time. He eventually escapes and catches the Mercs breaking into his safety deposit box. He throws a bomb in the safe, slams the door and with that, the issue is to be continued.
   This title literally hinges from moderately decent to lame as shit from issue to issue. I don't know if Gerry Duggan has some sort of deal with the editor that he can kind of work on one book and just write another one in milliseconds or what... But I give this issue a 4/10. Hopefully it steps it up next go round.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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