Friday, February 24, 2017

Batman #17

Written by Tom King
Penciled by David Finch
Cover by David Finch
Published Feb 15, 2017

   The Bronze Tiger quietly tries to detox in a Gotham Motel when he's awakened by a knock on the door. When he opens it, bullets rake across his midsection. At the Fortress of Solitude, Superman walks in and Batman is already there. Inside, Damian Wayne, Nightwing, and the Red Hood are in suspended animation after their run in with Bane. Batman tells Superman to keep them safe for the next four days.
   At the Arkham Asylum, Jeremiah Arkham and a guard push a bandaged patient down the hall - all the while being threatened by the other inmates. Once safely inside the Joker fortified east wing, Alfred removes his disguise. He unbandages Gotham Girl and prepares her for treatment in front of the Psycho Pirate. Preparing for an onslaught, Batman perches atop Arkham's walls to protect her while she undergoes her therapy.
   Outside the ruins of the Wayne Orphanage, Bird meets a disguised Catwoman. After making a few weird jokes about cats, he shoots her and allows his falcon to peck her unconsciously. Back at Arkham, Alfred continues holding a gun to the Pirate's head while he steadily repeats to Gotham Girl how she can become brave again.
    Meanwhile, Commissioner Gordan walks through an alley on the phone with his wife. He's attacked by Trogg, Bird, and Zombie but not before shooting one of them. Luckily, Duke Thomas drops in to help but the two of them are both quickly captured because, well, it's Bane and they're both rather green when it comes to fighting.
   Back on the rooftops, Batman's still on watch when he hears a bird call.On the rooftop across from him, a shadowy figure lights a flare, illuminating his face for the caped crusader to see. Horrifyingly (but kind of awesome to see him back in his mask), Bane taunts him. Revealing his prisoners Bronze Tiger, Catwoman, Duke, and Gordon, the bat has a decision to make. Unfortunately it will have to wait until day two, as this issue is left to be continued.
   Tom King is probably one of the greatest writers in the game right now. Especially for Batman anyway. He brings back old villains in interesting ways - not to mention doesn't overuse Bane like so many tired stories of him in the past. Depicted throughout but only shown in the last few panels, they do a great job using his legend without milking it. I give this one a 10/10. 

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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