Thursday, February 9, 2017

Deadpool #25

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Scott Koblish
Cover by Scott Koblish
Published Jan 25, 2017

   Warda Wilson stands atop Madison Star Garden in 2099, ready to unleash hell on the onlookers below. She demands to know what happened to her demonic mother Shiklah and Deadpool can't seem to remember. Ellie tries but fails to find her casket. Meanwhile Iron Fist 2099 has some unfinished business with the old merc with a mouth of his own, but Wade tells him it's gonna have to wait. He makes his way to the garden and Warda attacks. The battle of the um, next century - is ON!
   Looking for answers, she beats him mercilessly to no avail. Finally he tells her he's ending the Wilson Family Fued tonight and the Iron Fists, Ellie, and her mother Emily Preston race into action. They battle while eventually Warda's "weapon" - a big multi-eyed monster, pounces. eating original Iron Fist Danny Rand. Finally Deadpool calls for a truce. Ellie lets her guard down for just a second and Warda attacks, burning her to death. She's not down for long as the mutant power Wade never told Warda her sister had springs her to life, born anew..
   Finally able to calm his illegitimate daughter down for a millisecond, They use the time to give her a conscience transplant, and Preston's image enters the girl's mind, determined to break her of her evil ways. Wade tells her that there can only be one Deadpool and he promises to return to tell her about her mother. For now, he makes dinner plans with his now younger daughter and tells her that Shiklah has been inside him ever since... literally. Shrunken with Hank Pym's Ant Man particles, her coffin entombed remains are forever lodged in Deadpool's heart. And with that, the Deadpool 2099 ridiculous jumping around business comes to an end.
   I've mentioned before that this title stands on it's own in a weird way. It's published twice a month for some reason, allowing Duggan to spend time on one issue and hurriedly put out a shittier one right after it. Luckily this was a good one, and I really enjoyed this version of Deadpool once I finally figured out what the hell was going on. Well written with good artwork, I give this issue an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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