Monday, June 4, 2018

Star Wars #46 - 48


Written by Kieron Gillen
Penciled by Salvador Larroca
Cover by David Marquez
Published Mar 21, 2018; Apr 4, 2018; May 23, 2018

   Aboard the Falcon, Leia explains to Tunga Arpagion he'll be impersonating Tan Hubi, Moff of Mon Calamari. First order of business though - kidnapping the real one. They sneak aboard the Moncaladrome and manage to spike the Moff's drink, thanks to the help of secret rebel sympathizer, Queen Trios.


   They grab him and introduce him to his doppelganger. Along with C3PO and R2, they'll feed him his lines at the opera. Meanwhile, the rebels tote the Moff to open doors to the underwater prison, care of some wookie muscle and rebel ingenuity.

Wookie + Your Face.

   At the opera, Tan overplays the Moff as they watch the performance. Finally though during an intermission, he's stuck talking to dignitaries. He pulls it off but 3PO is slowly losing energy to keep up the ruse.

R2, this is hard!

   The rebels finally dock and after the real Moff figures out it's a rescue mission, he reveals Lee Char is only alive because of the machines. Stalling for time, the fake Moff ad libs his own performance. Han, Luke, and Leia film some words of encouragement from the deposed king, but not before the real Moff signals to the imperials that he's being held hostage.


   In the theater, the masqueraders make a run for it while at the prison, stormtroopers shoot the dying king. They manage to escape but once they land back on the Mon Cala secret cove, are greeted by Urtya who demands the king's recording. He stuns Leia and counting their losses, the rebels take off.


   The issue wraps with Urtya having a change of heart. He broadcasts the message to the Mon Calan fleet, who in turn broadcast the inspiring message to all Mon Calans. They rebel from the imperials, but all at a great cost. Now Leia has the Mon Calan fleet on her side but under the gaze of the Empire. What will happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Oh. Great. This!

   Obviously with such a backlog, you may notice me combining a few of these books in an effort to summarize them a little faster. These three issues in fact are filled with at least 4 or 5 subplots that don't move the story along. Overall though, it's a pretty decent chapter in the original characters' of Star Wars' lore. I give these an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of these books HERE, HERE and HERE.

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