Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Avengers #688-690

NO SURRENDER pts 14-16

Written by Mark Waid, Jim Zub, and Al Ewing
Penciled by Kim Jacinto and Paco Medina
Cover by Mark Brooks
Published April 11April 18, and April 25, 2018

   Quicksilver sprints across the globe but fails to catch the orb as the Challenger threatens to blow up the world. Meanwhile the Avengers use Hercules and Citizen V to keep the world engine in motion. get ready to push!

   Quicksilver explains to Wanda and Synapse he needs their power to catch the orb to free everyone from stasis. They empower his mind to travel as fast as his body while the other Avengers fight the Challenger. He finally does so, and all of the paused heroes come back to life. It comes at a great cost though...

Way to go, Wanda. Look what you did now!

   With everyone back, they're able to tend to the world's natural disasters. After keeping the world engine online, Lightning runs behind the Grandmaster and challenges him to a game of poker. The stakes are high. If he wins, he gets the world and the heroes taken as game pieces back. He raises the stakes until the Grandmaster eventually calls.

Folds like a cheap suit.

   On Earth, the Avengers continue teaming up to fight the Challenger but it's all for naught. Voyager tells them they can't win. Lightning gets his fellow teammates back as Beast convinces Voyager to rally the troops. She does so and as their all willed to win, they finally battle back to completely break the Elder. The Earth returns. And the Avengers are finally able to take a breather.

"Wait, there it is, guys..."

   They return to the mansion in ruins. Reunited with Jarvis, they take stock of everything but have to say goodbye to Voyager. Meanwhile the Grandmaster makes up with the Black Order. Equally, in Knowhere, the Lethal Legion too plans to make a run for it.

Why quit now?!

   Dr. Toni Ho works to repair Vision while Wanda and Dr. Voodoo vow to continue the search for Quicksilver. Bruce Banner meets with Hawkeye to apologize for Civil War II, even trying to encourage the tortured doctor... to pretty much no avail.

Bruce sticks Clint with the bill after everything.

   The issue wraps with Rogue and Human Torch headed back to the X-Men and Fantastic Four, respectively and a new, gigantic Avengers statue is hoisted. With that, this 16 part mega-series finally and begrudgingly come to an end.

"Now lower the giant metaphor...."

   Whew. Ok... so that... that was something. It only took 400 some odd pages, guaranteed to make for a phonebook of a graphic novel, but I was thoroughly entertained. Even the bloat of a series this big was completely awesome, making every minor plotpoint a total and complete winner. If writing by committee is what it takes to make something this awesome, so be it. Still, I'll be happy to see this series crawl back a bit from it's weekly publishing status. For these books, and this entire series as a whole though, I give it a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of these books HEREHERE and HERE.

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