Sunday, June 10, 2018

Old Man Logan #38


Written my Ed Brisson
Penciled by Dalibor Talajic
Cover by Mike Deodato Jr
Published March 28, 2018

   In Mayor Fisk's office, he laments Bullseye was careless in his fight with Logan. Meanwhile, Bullseye removes the flash drive from Sarah's PC while she tries to bribe him. Back on the streets, Logan is in pain but hopes he bought Sarah enough time to escape. Suddenly he's recognized. The mutant crazed crowd chases him but he disappears.

"Hey, that's Wolverine!"

   Back in the apartment, Sarah is getting nowhere with Bullseye and starts shooting, missing with each shot. He flings a plate at her and makes his escape with the drive. He leaps from her apartment and finds a car to hijack outside.


   A bleeding Sarah meets Logan in her hallway, explaining that Bullseye was able to get the drive. He tells her to go to the hospital and leaves out in search of Bullsye. Meanwhile Bullseye calls Fisk to tell him he was able to get the drive. Not paying attention, Logan leaps into his windshield. He demands the drive and drops a few threats in the process. Getting him on the ground, Bullseye is in trouble but passes out before Logan can get any more answers.

Hey, wake up!

   Logan drags his unconscious body to Kingpin’s office, who later has his guards stand down so they can have a conversation. Logan holds up the drive, asking him what’s so important on the drive that he’d have people killed for it. Fisk tells him to pop the drive in his PC and reveals it’s all just pictures of he and his wife Vanessa in happier times.

See? BORING!!!

   Logan is enraged, telling Fisk he isn’t allowed to kill people for things like this. Later he punches his claws into the Kingpin’s desk, who bargains with him. He’ll allow Sarah Dewey to live a happy life in exchange for walking away. Frustrated, Logan leaves. Sometime, somewhere, somehow Fisk will screw up. He goes to check on Sarah and tells her that she has a lot to live for. With that, this issue is left to be continued.

Dude doesn't like hospitals.

   Ed Brisson is still doing some amazing work but this series is sorta hitting a skid. I know they can’t all be winners all the time, but it just seems a character like Logan is too complex to just be facing random baddies like Bullseye and a resurrected Mariko. With Young Man Logan returning, it’s only fitting his older counterpart should be part of his reemergence. Brisson has shown that he’s better than this. Hopefully he digs a little deeper in the coming issues. I give this one a 7/10.

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