Friday, June 8, 2018

Champions #19 and #20


Written by Jim Zub
Penciled by Sean Izaakse
Cover by Stefano Caselli
Published April 11 and May 23, 2018

   In Northern Canada, two friends investigate a strange new factory when Amka makes a startling discovery. She’s introduced to Sila – the actual soul of the North. They’re interrupted by hostile drones, one of which Amka uses to accidentally blow up the factory. Luckily, she’s safe and sound.


    Meanwhile Nova and Spider-Man wrap up a few criminals when Ms Marvel calls with a surprise.
   She and the rest of the Champions reveal their new mobile bunker. After a tour, Nadia reveals some strange readings. The team agrees to fly north and are shocked by the development they find. More importantly, their ship is surrounded by drones.

What kind of party is this supposed to be?!

   The team is riddled with lasers, but evasive maneuvers keep them out of danger. That is, everyone but Nova. He falls and Viv retrieves him from the icy water below. Meanwhile the others fight until the Master Of The World calls for a truce. He helps to save Nova, and further explains he’s working to stop global warming, even showing the Champions his solution. The only catch is that it’s so he can later rule the world in a few hundred years.

Look.. it's a ways off though.

   The team huddles and decides the problem is far enough down the road. Suddenly they hear protestors, and though Hulk tells them about the Master’s plan, the rest of the crew feels like something’s a little off.

I'm gonna go have a look around.

   The issue wraps with Alpha Flight and Captain Marvel crashing the party. But before anyone can get a word in, the Master introduces them to his new friends the Champions. What’s gonna happen next? We’ll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Alpha Flight is less cooler than the Avengers... And now even less cooler than the Champions.

   So it took me a little while to come around on the Champions, but with the ending of Miles Morales’ book as well as Hulk now focusing on Bruce Banner, this was a worthy replacement. Plus Jim Zub did some of his best work on Uncanny Avengers as well as the recently completed No Surrender storyline. My guess is that this series is only gonna get better. I give these two a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of these books HERE and HERE.

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