Monday, June 18, 2018

Cable #156-157


Written by Lonnie Nadler and Zac Thompson
Penciled by German Peralta
Covers by Daniel Warren Johnson
Published April 18 and May 16, 2018

   Cable and a young and depressed Hope Summers walk through the Wastelands when she spots some vagrants. Starving, she takes some offered food but when it turns out to be an attempted kidnapping, Cable blows some heads off. Eventually the baddies get the upper hand but Bishop, unluckily manages to find them.
   Outside, Cable knocks out the future X-Man and they make a run for it. The next morning, he trains her to shoot and he tells her about his parents. They search for supplies when Cable's arm flares up with the technovirus. Metus appears again, this time in the form of Wolverine. Cable blasts him just as Bishop again catches up to them. The monster wrangles them both, taking Bishop's form. Attempting to run away with Hope, Bishop blasts him before Metus absorbs him via his cybernetic arm and they bodyslide away.
   Years previous, an unconscious Nate Gray timeslides into Cable's lab. When he awakens, the technobeast again tracks them down, but Nate is too weak to fight him. With things getting dangerous, the two of them time jump to the end of time, where several different era Cable's have been gathered..
   Cable tells them about Metus and how they have to find him. They all talk strategy with the surliest one accusing Nate of being the monster. He leaves to get some rest, but is later consumed by the monster. They copies that are left are asked to prove they all have telekinesis to prove they're real. But once unrest is sowed again, the beast begins pulling the remaining clones in - one by one.
   The issue wraps with Cable strangely protecting Metus from Nate. As he lowers his pistol and prepares for a final shot, Cable allows the monster to flee. Nate tells his half brother that a time will come where'll have to deal with him... but Cable explains that time is not now. With that, they timeslide to another place - but we'll have to wait to find out what's next, as this issue is left to be continued.
   Like a lot of readers, I was concerned Ed Brisson leaving this book would know it back a peg, but these rookie writers have clearly shown they know everything that's supposed to be in a Cable book. These tales remarkably give off those old school X-Force vibes and I really like where they're taking things. I give these two a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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